It is Wednesday late afternoon and Iucci is doing the stocktake. She looks up to find Eugenio’s gaze on her. Quirking her eyebrow, she asks, ‘Anything wrong?’
Eugenio licks his lips and shakes his head. ‘No. I was just wondering. Will you go with me to mass at the Duomo on Sunday?’
Iucci is taken aback. She feels a flush rise on her cheeks. Apart from that one incident where she thought she had seen a jealous look in his eyes, Eugenio has always been completely business-oriented. She also knows about his reputation with the girls and she did not think that she had captured his eye. And now, he wants to go to church with her in the Torino city centre!
‘Alright,’ she says smiling at him shyly.
‘Eh bene. When we get home tonight, I will ask permission from your mamma and Donna Maria. I think it is better I do that, no? I know they are both very protective of you,’ he says with a wry smile.
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