Now I’m starting on a new adventure. It began on a Wednesday evening at First Presbyterian Church in Chattanooga. We had a Wednesday night potluck dinner for fellowship and a short sermon. “What do you do for a living?” someone at my table asked.
“I’m a speech therapist.”
“Oh, you mean like phonetics and stuff?” he asked.
“Well, then you might be interested in Wycliffe.”
Never having heard of Wycliffe, I replied, “What’s Wycliffe?”
“They do Bible translation with linguistics and stuff. They’re making a presentation this weekend. You should go.”
I attended, and the rest is history. I marveled at the idea of working with a small group of people, learning their language and culture, and helping translate the Bible. The presenter did a monolingual demonstration where he spoke a language none of us knew and, by using motions and objects, learned words from the speaker of another language. It fascinated me, and with my linguistic background, I worked out how he did it. Then I believe God put into my heart, “This is what I want you to do.”
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