Two young Irishmen, who visited our house now and then, spent a week at the Catholic seminary compound on the Kit River, near Juba. One evening, after everyone had gone to bed, a contingent of SPLA soldiers arrived. They entered the dorm and took any valuables and clothes that they could find. One room contained a locked medicine cabinet. They asked who kept the key. The seminarians pointed to a young man who was “sleeping” soundly on his bed. The soldiers did everything they could to wake this boy, but he “slept” through it all. They even picked him up and put him on the floor to search his bed for the key. The boy didn’t wake up, and they couldn’t find the key. Ultimately, the soldiers left.
The next morning, the priest sent the Irishmen back to Juba wearing clothes that had been in the laundry. After returning to their unit with the goods, the soldiers mentioned there were two Irish boys in the compound. The officer in charge ordered them to return to the compound and bring the Irishmen back. By the time the soldiers arrived, the boys were long gone. From this report, we realized just how close the SPLA were.
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