Other male employees from the embassy were at the house when we arrived. I was the only woman visibly present, though I expect others were somewhere preparing food. He offered me a drink, and I chose a Coke. He seemed pleased that I did not take an alcoholic one since the Qur’an forbids drinking alcohol. I assume he had it in the house for visitors. Lunch comprised various roasted meats that were tender and delicious. After the group consumed two or three trays of meat and bread, the male servers brought out a new dish. His Excellency informed me this tray contained a northern Sudanese delicacy, but I was free to refuse it. It looked raw, so I passed. Later, I learned that in northern Sudan they eat raw liver flavored with hot pepper, lemon juice, and bile (yes, like out of a gallbladder!). I was glad to have forgone that opportunity.
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