Khartoum claims the prize for being the hottest capital in the world! Beginning in March, the weather heats up so that in May and June the afternoon temperatures reach 120°F (50°C). The humidity stays in the 50 to 60 percent range. In July, the temperatures drop to only 110°F, but the humidity soars to 70 percent. Rainy season happens in August, and the temperatures vary substantially, but humidity remains about 70 to 90 percent. September and October are hot and similar to July, only more humid. About mid-November, the temperature cools down at night—the sign that winter is coming. Did I mention I arrived in Khartoum in the middle of April? What an introduction!
Have I mentioned we didn’t have a washing machine? Yes, for the first time in my life, I hand-washed my clothes, sheets, towels—everything. My skills were mediocre, but at least my clothes were exposed to soap and water. One day, having washed out several things, I took a scarf, dripping wet, to the porch, and hung it up. I returned to the sink and picked up the next items to hang up. By the time I took the twelve steps to the washing line, the scarf was already bone dry. Towels dried in a matter of minutes.
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