Ricksted's Syndrome children are slow to acquire normal human language but can understand non-human language. When invasion by hostile viking-like aliens is imminent, SETI scientist receive a warning message from a friendly alien but it sounds like gobbledygook! Two Ricksted children are able to come to the rescue. The USA president wants to nuke the aliens - not a good idea! The invasion starts just as the Ricksted children (with a little help from friends) have a breakthrough. This is NOT a children's book!
John Nichols graduated from Liverpool Medical School in 1967 and entered General Practice in Guildford in 1971. He spent six months as research assistant to Ian Watson at the Shere GP practice in Surrey working on various projects including a trial of revaccination against measles 5-10 years after primary immunisation which showed a decline in immunity that was boosted by revaccination. In 1973 he joined The Fairlands GP Practice near Guildford where he was able to collaborate with university colleagues on a number of research projects. He was also a GP trainer for 20 years. He graduated the MSc Nutritional Medicine in 2005 and was subsequently appointed as a Visiting Research Fellow in 2011. He has published research on zinc status and postnatal depression, trace elements and female infertility, smoking cessation, diverticular disease and the use of probiotics in primary care. Published books include two books on Nutritional Medicine and three works of fiction. One science fiction novel has been published as a paperback and two are currently only available as e-books; all available through Amazon books.
Two alien space crafts are heading for Earth at half the speed of light. One is enormous and its alien Viking-like crew is intent on harvesting all Earth's resources, including its metal core and the other is a small intergalactic warning device but its attempts to communicate with Earth scientists at SETI Manchester, UK fail until they are helped by Jack, a five-year-old boy, and Amanda, an eight-year-old girl, both with Ricksted Syndrome, a rare syndrome that causes delay in human speech but an enhanced ability to understand non-human communication. Other characters include the loud-mouthed USA president Howard Acton. Luckily, he has a highly gifted side kick, his aide Jack Lewis and Steve Steinburg the chief scientist at SETI California who work together to prevent Acton from making too many mistakes. That is, until, as the alien invasion proceeds, Acton is dragged off and abducted by the aliens! Acton is not the only victim of the early stage of the alien invasion as the aliens send harvesting crafts to satisfy their voracious appetite for animal and human flesh to feed their self-replicating hub. Can Jack and Amanda working with the SETI scientists to communicate with the intergalactic warning device and learn how to defeat the aliens? and what happens to Howard Acton on the alien space craft?
Book Excerpt
Professor Ricksted's Children and the Aliens
A massive ovoid vehicle of the Vorgt Empire’s Advance Space Force Project cut through deep inter-stellar space at a speed nearly half the speed of light. A lone senior duty officer was monitoring the star systems ahead for valid and justifiable forage. Deep space is a lonely place and a lone duty officer can find it difficult to remain vigilant. But Class 1 Sectupled Clent Davoh of The Vorgt Advanced Space Force Project was fully alert as he monitored the star systems ahead. He had just discovered a possible candidate planet and was estimating its parameters when his accessory eye registered a blip on the side screen that was set to monitor for intruders and hazards. Growling to himself, he turned his full attention to scanning the interstellar reaches. He ran the standard scan three times and found – nothing. Could the ‘blip’ have been a hallucination? He doubted it. The only other chance was that two deep space meteorites had collided and vaporised on impact. He made out a report and returned his attention to a planet that looked ripe for forage.
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