Two lives bound together in a knot.
The first life comes into being from one direction, family, location, with one intention, and then goes over the other person and then under them. The second life comes from perhaps a totally opposite or at least a quite different direction, culture, family, life intention and goes under the first person and then over them.
Each pulls in an opposite direction until they are tightly joined in different intentions, past and future, love or hate; physically joined, or emotionally knotted, or spiritually bound. This knot is called a square knot because there is reciprocity to it. It’s a square-ness, as in equality; pull on a square knot and the tension is distributed equally.
In a knot, if one individual pulls from one direction the other individual will feel the pull, the constriction, the tension.
Two lives bound together in a knot. Is it created out of love? Out of karma (whatever that is)? Out of being two people whom life puts together and bonds with personal chemistry?
Explore the knot.
Love is a meeting of two people with attraction to one another. Tension, perhaps sexual at first, holds the love knot together.
If love is not passionate, the knot will be too loose and the union will fail. But if sex is the only strand in the cord, it will fray and break over time.
Karma also is a force of attraction coming from the past, even from action of others, like family. Tension holds the karmic knot together because there is a desire to discover why the relationship exists.
Karmic knots will be tested as well. There must be juice. Some reason for being united, positive or negative, will be learned.
Why this knot? Knots have special purposes. A square knot is different from a bowline, which is used for heavy lifting. That is different from a sheepshank. What kind of knot are you in? Knots have intention: mutuality, control, constraint, lifting, carrying, or easily offering freedom to untie. Why your knot?
If a knot is too tight, it will bind and not be flexible enough to accommodate the pull of a person’s life.
Knots are not permanent; they are the power relationship between those who are joined. Knots can be tied and untied. They are complex and complicated dances in space and time.
Do they feel like bondage? Unions are about relationships that will not last forever. Human freedom must not be bound. How long does love last? Must karmic debts be repaid? Explore the knot.
Two groups of people bound together in a knot.
“It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are caught in an inescapable web of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. We are made to live together because of the interrelated structure of reality.”—Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), Christmas Sermon, 1967
How does this “inescapable web” between people work for you, personally? Do you feel yourself caught in such a “garment of destiny”? What are its characteristics, physical, emotional, or spiritual? Can you draw the knot, this soul macrame? Objectify it?
Where is this knot or garment too tight? Too loose? Too loving? Too hating?
What is the history of this garment? Who tied and who may untie these knots?
The “single garment of destiny,” this “structure of reality,” is comprised of multiple threads that are affected by the knot. Yet each human thread has free will. Who will stand and tighten their cord and pull with others in a different direction? Who will loosen and love?
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