I am the Timekeeper. I am the one who divides your life into segments and those segments into segments. I am an active agent in your soul. I am the deadline, the due date, the thin veneer of control which efficient management desires. You must obey, otherwise your accomplishment, no matter how skillfully executed, is flawed because it was late. Timing is everything. We started early, you and me. Remember elementary school? Three tardies equals an absence.
Don’t you judge your life on someone else’s timeline? Of course you do! Start times, quitting time, lunch time, dinner time, time off, clock in, clock out. And, generally aren’t you too young? Too old? Too early? Too late? An extra day off? No way! What IS your life expectancy? How many days until Christmas? We build prisons based on reading scores of pre-K kids knowing they are already too late to EVER catch up. We grant abortions based on fetus age. The Timekeeper carves up of your life, your soul, society and the earth.
Progress and efficiency created me in the 1800s, when technology began its ascent. There is no progress without me, no efficiency. I am the orderly, the economic, the bureaucratic, the manageable, the bell curve and the algorithm. I am physically essential for geo-synchronous satellites and time zones. I link your cell phone or tablet to every machine and every technology on earth. I am technology, and technology is not possible without me!
I timekeep you. All this control is about freedom. Once the moon and the sun ruled your soul, and your entire life was owned by those two orbs. Now the Timekeeper and technology give you freedom from a life driven by sunrise and sunset. Remember labor-saving devices? Timesaving devices. I am the TimeKEEPER, remember? But do I keep time FOR you? Or FROM you?
I advise you not to step out into nature. Out there is a natural world not under my control: sun and moon, day and night, full moons and new moons, equinoxes and solstices. Seasons! But you, YOU are FREE from these inconveniences, aren’t you? So what if the cold and flu season is directly connected with the autumnal solstice and the waning of the light!? So what if circadian rhythms within your body are vital to your health? You can ignore them. What’s a little stress? Nothing that a pharmaceutical can’t fix, eh? Who are you going to believe? Nature and your body? Or the Timekeeper? Remember, I AM scientific.
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