“I will go…” Emma’s voice trailed off as a lump formed in her throat. She swallowed hard. A tear meandered down her smooth cheek, resting on the tip of her chin before dropping into her lap. She didn’t wipe her face, for she knew that would only expose her Light, so she let the tears flow as they may. Her heart was breaking, who cared if a few tears flowed.
“Emi, we promise, this is the best thing for you. The Academy is a wonderful place and you will learn so much and make lifelong friends.” Cassie looked in desperation at her husband for help.
“If you don’t like it, you can just come home. We promise.” Tegean encouraged his ward.
“How do you know they’ll even accept me?”
“One look at your gift and talents and they will. Take my word for it.” Tegean’s confidence eased her fears.
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