Do you know what it takes to be successful? --to succeed in business as well as in life itself? In this Biblical self-help success book, the author contends that God has several principles, which if followed can lead to success either in business or in life itself. He further contends that although many of these same principles may be found among the motivational speakers and thinkers of today and yesterday, that they were originally derived from Holy Scripture, whether or not these spokespersons are aware of it. He points to Jesus' parables to show that not everyone who preaches or practices Kingdom principles will be found to be in the Kingdom at the end.
The 17 chapters of this book contain 17 articles relating to 17 of these principles. Knowing you purpose forgetting the past conquering fear believing focusing sowing and reaping resting and 10 others. (For a complete list of the principles included in this work, check the "Table of Contents.")
There are examples, positive and negative, of these principles in the lives of characters from the author's novel, Of Such Is The Kingdom, A Novel of Biblical Times. So this book and the novel make perfect companion volumes for each other..
And each chapter has a Quotable Quotes section with quotes from famous people past and present, including the Bible writers, so it makes a great reference source for quotations.
I, was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on June 8, 1943 to a Christian family and accepted Jesus at an early age. In Jr. High School, I became interested in writing and drama. I wrote poems, articles and a few short stories, and plays. In college, I won second prize in a contest with a Biblical short story, which now forms part of my first novel, “Of Such Is The Kingdom, A novel of the Christ and the Roman Empire,” published in 2003.
In 2010, I wrote the sequel, “Of Such Is the Kingdom, Part III,
Power and Persecution, A Novel of the early Church and the Roman Empire.”
I also wrote a Sci-fi novel, “Impossible Journey, A Tale of Times and Truth” and a non-fiction book, “Principles of the Kingdom."
I graduated from Clearwater Christian College in 1970 with a B.A. degree in Bible-Literature, and from Biblical School of Theology in 1974 with a M. Div. Ordained in November, 1974, I served as assistant pastor/Bible teacher in several churches. I also served in a foreign-student ministry, where I met my wife, Berenice Carett from Venezuela.
In 2014 I wrote an American historical novel, called "The Christmas Victory."
Here's the last paragraph of Chapter 1 of my Biblical self-help book, "Principles of the Kingdom." This excerpt details mission as the final component of inspiration.
At the end of the paragraph there is included an example from my Biblical novel, "Of Such Is The Kingdom."
Book Excerpt
Principles of the Kingdom (God's Success Principles)
Once the vision stemming from your sense of purpose is firmly implanted in your mind, let it become your driving force. Let the vision excite you with the possibility of its fulfillment and you will automatically begin the next step—you are on a mission. Your mission is to bring about the realization of the vision. If you keep the vision in mind, you will move forward in the mission, accomplishing enthusiastically step by step that which is necessary to bring the vision into reality. You will have developed a sense of excitement, importance and urgency which will keep the fires of inspiration burning in your heart and moving you ever onward and upward. Another example from my novel is Pilate‘s wife. She saw his purpose as to be a ruler over large territory and she pursued that vision until it was her mission.
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