These quotes related to the shooting death of Breonna Taylor come from multiple chapters in the book:
In 2020, history was repeating itself. On Feb 27th, Ahmaud Arberry was shot to death while jogging in a modern-day lynching by a retired police officer and his son. On March 13th Breonna Taylor was shot eight times as police with a “no-knock” warrant fired over 20 shots into her home as part of a drug search. And although George Floyd was not killed by the police until May 25th, from a national media perspective, the events seemed much closer together. The events seemed closer in large part due to delays in charging the suspects in the murder of Ahmaud Arberry and delays in charging the officers who fired into Breonna Taylors’ apartment. Though one of the officers was fired for “‘extreme violations’ of the department’s policies,’” there still have been no charges filed against the officers. (Eads, 2020)…
Breonna Taylor was killed on March 13 when Louisville police executed a no-knock warrant on her home. The warrant was based on detectives’ belief that Taylor’s boyfriend was using her address to receive packages containing drugs. Thinking that the police were intruders, Taylor’s boyfriend fired at the officers, who then fired back, killing Taylor…
...just like there was history between George Floyd and the officer that killed him with his knee-to-neck procedure and history between #BreonnaTaylor 's boyfriend and the cop who shot up her apartment and killed her.
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