This excerpt is from the chapter entitled a "Revival of Racism":
A Revival of Racism
A revival is coming to America, but it’s not a revival like at Azusa. A revival is coming, and it’s not what you think. A revival is coming, and like any good revival, it’s being ushered in with the help of the Church. A revival is coming and has already started with fire. Not Holy Ghost fire but with the fire of hatred and racial division. I believe this fire started when the Church ignored candidate Donald Trump’s racist rants about immigrants and his veiled insinuations that Making America Great Again meant making her white again, and that taking “our” country back meant taking it from immigrants and black and brown people that don’t look and sound like us.
To revive something means to bring it back to life. Earlier in this book, I did a side by side comparison of the speeches of George Wallace and President Trump. They were remarkably similar. The president was merely reviving many of the same sentiments as Governor Wallace. Governors Orval Faubus and Ross Barnett were the governors of Arkansas and Mississippi, respectively, in 1965. I honestly didn’t know who they were until I started writing this book. But as I heard President Trump speak with fondness of the “beautiful monuments” and the great “heritage” of the South, I could hear the same spirit being revived in their words.
Every great revival stirs people to action. We can see that action increasingly by ardent President Trump supporters like the III Percenters, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and white nationalists. We see it in droves of people with MAGA hats on heading off to cities already bustling with the revival of racial division that has already been stirred there.
The Church has compromised with the president’s overtures to the far-right militant groups and his racist rants and tweets in exchange for his continued pledge to end abortion...
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