There is a narrative going around that systemic racism doesn’t exist anymore, or worse, that it is an outright myth. Even the President of the United States, commenting about George Floyd, has said that it’s the work of a “bad apple” in the police department, and there are “not too many” bad apples. It’s just not true because racism is a spiritual matter. Because a spirit is driving the racism in America, it's not just going to go away. The spirit of racism, even the devil himself, is never going to just go away. So, if we think that politicians, police officers, protests, etc., are going to get rid of the spirit of racism, that’s very naïve. It’s worse than naïve; it's spiritually ignorant.
In this book, I will show what 2 Cor 4:4 (NIV) says is true. It says that “the god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers…” The spirit of racism is a blinding spirit that blinds the people that are under its influence to its existence and its very operation. The spirit of racism thrives in an environment where its very existence is denied. The denial of the existence of the spirit of racism, hatred based on race, is in some way acceptable when you think about “the world.” But it's totally unacceptable when it comes to the Church.
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