I have attended Gloria Copeland’s Healing School at least twice at the Copeland’s faith conventions. In one of her sessions, I received healing for a sports injury for which minor surgery had already been prescribed. In Healing School Gloria used to teach about walking in divine health. Specifically, building up your faith so that you don’t get sick in the first place. She also taught that should you get sick, you could then press further into the Word of God to receive your healing. Contrast this to having no faith for healing built up because your regular spiritual diet has been devoid of Scriptures on healing or worse you have been poisoned by doctrines/traditions of men that “make the Word of God of no effect” (Mark 7:13).
I am sharing the excerpt of “Christ the Healer” (24th printing) by F. F. Bosworth to help anyone who wants to build up their faith for divine health or recovery from sickness and disease.
“…Asking for healing while refusing to be led by the Spirit is like asking a carpenter to repair the house while refusing to let him in the house.
“As many as touched Him were made perfectly whole” (Matt. 14:36). You cannot touch Him with a reservation; therefore, like the woman who pressed through the throng and touched Him, you must “elbow” out of your way, and press beyond selfishness, disobedience, unconfessed sins, luke-warmness, public opinion, traditions of men, articles written against Divine healing; in fact, often press beyond your own pastor, who may be unenlightened in this part of the Gospel; press beyond doubts, double-mindedness, symptoms, feelings and the lying Serpent.
The Holy Spirit, Who is sent to execute for us the blessings of redemption, is our Paraclete or Helper, and is ready to help us press through and beyond all of these obstacles to the place where we can touch Him for our needs…It is still true that as many as touch Him are made whole. How do we touch Him? By believing His promise. This is an infallible way of touching Christ for anything He has promised. We touch Him by asking and believing that He hears our prayers when we pray. When the woman touched Him, it was her faith that made her whole; not a mere physical touch, for “the flesh profiteth nothing, the Spirit giveth life.”
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