11/18/20 Get Into The Right Posture
I was listening to a series of messages this morning by Pastor Reginald Steele in Phoenix, talking about being in “the right place at the right time.” I have been listening to these messages over and over since September. They strengthened my faith to make the move to NYC. But today, I heard something that I missed. I heard him say, “you need to get in the right posture.”
The Holy Spirit took that and added, “you’re in the right place, but you’re not in the right posture.” What He meant was geographically, you’re in the right place, but you’re not in the right spiritual posture. You’re not postured to receive. You’re not really expecting as much as you should. You’re saying “breakthrough,” but you are not believing breakthrough with all your heart and expecting it every day like Elijah did when he told his servant to go look for the cloud again and again up to seven times (1 Ki 18:43-44). Or like Elisha did when he said, “about this time tomorrow a measure of flour will be sold for…” (2 Ki 7:1)
In one of his other messages, Pastor Steele talked about how Jesus prayed for Peter that his faith “fail not.” When I heard it, I could see that my faith was beginning to fail. It showed up in diminished expectations, half-hearted, empty confessions, and the onset of depression.
Have you ever had your parents, teacher, choir director (I had an old-school choir director, lol) tell you to sit up straight, fix your posture? I believe the Holy Spirit is almost yelling at me, encouraging me, cheering me, to fix my spiritual posture. He’s saying get into a posture to receive. Remember that through faith and patience, we inherit the promises. Believe in the Lord your God, so shall you be established, believe His prophets, so shall you prosper (2 Chr 20:20). We walk by faith and not by sight. So what, your situation doesn’t look like what God promised yet. "Delay doesn’t mean denial" (Pastor Steele).
I have allowed my spiritual tires to go a little flat. Have you have ever had a leak in your tires that was so slow you didn’t notice until the ride got rough? My ride was getting rough, and I didn’t know why. THANK GOD FOR THE HOLY GHOST! And His Word! I’m sitting up straight now in the Spirit. My posture before the Lord has been corrected. My expectation is heightened; my hope has been reignited; my faith has been stirred. I began to recall all the times God showed me favor in my military career. It was the secret to my success. My entertainment career is no different. I remember how God moved me to the right places and times before. This is no different. ALL OF THAT WAS FOR ME! I hope you got something out of it and were encouraged. I definitely am!
P.S. The last thing the Holy Spirit showed me in Pastor Steele’s messages was that my hunger for a breakthrough was greater than my hungerfor Him. The Bible says seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and ALL these THINGS shall be added unto you (Matt 6:33 ). My spiritual posture was affected by the extent that I was looking for His provision above the quality of our relationship.
It’s not wrong to expect God to bless us or keep His promises. In fact, not expecting Him to keep His promises can be a lack of faith, a lack of knowledge of His Word/promises in the Word, or worse, a lack of revelation of how much He loves us and wants to show us His goodness. God wants me to be excited about His goodness and the fulfillment of His promises. But not to the point where I forget about Him and neglect tending my relationship with Him. Gotta work on that more. Be blessed today!
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