What Do You Have in Your House (New Year’s Edition)
2 Ki 4:2 “Elisha replied to her, ‘How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?’ ‘Your servant has nothing there at all,’ she said, ‘except a small jar of olive oil.’”
God can take a little and make it a lot. That’s not scripture, but there are scriptural examples of this premise. God performed the miracle multiplication of olive oil through Elisha in 2 Kings chapter 4. We saw Jesus multiply fishes and loaves in Matthew chapter 14.
I am issuing a challenge at the start of 2022. What do you have in your house that God can use, multiply? God asked Moses what he had in his hand in Ex 4:2. Moses responded truthfully that he was holding a rod. But the power of God combined with Moses’ willingness and faith turned that rod into a snake and into the most powerful water divider the world has ever known. The rod even had the power to produce a stream from a rock.
What things, what ideas are in your house that you simply need to add faith, willingness, and the power of God to in order to have a miracle, a great harvest, a life-changing result?
In 2016, I had book ideas in my house. In Jan 2022, I celebrated over 700 books sold across 15 audiobook titles. I have also sold a few thousand books and e-books across the 20+ books I have written since 2016. This segment will soon be part of a new book.
Take time today and consider taking the challenge of discovering ideas, businesses, talents, giftings, things you can sell, time you can give, etc. Take time today to decide whether or not you are willing to step out in some new way this year with a Holy Spirit-inspired action that will later lead to supernatural, even miraculous results.
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