I am writing this book to help Christian leaders in the workplace. I want to share how I applied foundational management principles that I found in the Bible to bring me success in the workplace. This journal is intended to be a tool to serve you as a Christian leader to help you grow in wisdom and grow in your ability to use the scriptures and the leading of the Holy Spirit to guide you to success in whatever leadership position in which you find yourself. I have called it a journal because it is my hope that certain entries will cause you to take pause and reflect on your leadership style, your approach to certain things and take a few notes that will help you to become more successful.
The cool thing that I have found about journal entries is that you can stir yourself up all over again by going back and rereading something that you previously received while reflecting, something that impressed you or struck you a certain way. When you reread an entry, you can also see what you thought about a certain thing at a certain point in your growth as a leader and see if you are making progress. Your journal entries will then serve to challenge you, to encourage you, to push you to be a better leader. Your journal entries can also serve as the basis for brief teaching sessions as you help train the leaders that are under you to become better leaders.
Every leader should be growing. Luke 2:52 says that "Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." Every leader should be growing in wisdom, increasing in their ability to lead, learning how to apply the things they've learned to make great decisions faster and increasing their internal capacity to deal with typical leadership pressures. To my young leaders, it is my sincere desire that this journal will make you better prepared to face the challenges that all leaders will eventually face.
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