God Is Light
NDErs by the thousand confirm that a heavenly light pours out from God the Father. It is almost as if that light imparts the essence of God himself.
Here is how Crystal McVea34 described that light:
It wasn’t just a light –or at least not light as we know it. It was closest to the colour we call white, but a trillion times whiter than the whitest white you’ve ever seen or could imagine.
It was brilliant and beaming and beautifully illuminating, and that’s why I call it a “brightness” …
But there was another dimension to it. There was also the sensation of cleanliness. It was a feeling of absolute purity and perfection, of something completely unblemished and unbroken, and being immersed in it filled me with the kind of peace and assurance I’d never known on Earth. It was like being bathed in love. It was a brightness I didn’t just see but felt.
This feature of the light transmitting love and peace, mentioned by numerous NDErs, makes it especially mysterious. How can God’s light transmit his nature and emotions?
Captain Dale Black35 made some acute observations during his NDE, as one might expect a highly trained and intelligent airline pilot to make.
Somehow, I knew that light and life and love were connected and interrelated.
It was as if the very heart of God lay open for everyone in Heaven to bask in its glory, to warm themselves in its presence, to bathe in its almost liquid properties, so they could be restored, renewed and refreshed.
Remarkably, the light didn’t shine on things but through them. Through the grass. Through the trees. Through the wall. And through the people who were gathered there.
PMH Atwater36, a bold and perceptive researcher of NDEs, has interviewed hundreds of returnees in a search to find out more and thereby understand her own three NDEs better. I respect her search and research, although my own analysis and conclusions differ from hers. She records a description given to her by Robin Michelle Halberdier:
“My first visual memory was looking forward and seeing a brilliant bright light, almost like looking directly at the sun. The strange thing was that I could see my feet in front of me, as if I were floating upward in a vertical position. I do not remember passing through a tunnel or anything like that, just floating in the beautiful light. A tremendous amount of warmth and love came from the light.”
Robin was just one month old when she had this NDE. Only much later, once she could talk, could she tell her parents about it.
Light and love are part of God’s essence, and NDErs of all faiths or none who meet with him in the afterlife have recorded this extraordinary meld.
Often, an NDEr’s first indication of God is the approach of a brilliant light.
Please imagine you are in Paradise and facing this light that appears to be as bright as many suns, yet does not hurt your eyes. You become enveloped by a loving, warm radiance emanating from it. Once you have adjusted, what might you notice next? Here is a typical quote taken from just one returnee’s descriptions:
Robin Michelle Halberdier37: “There was a standing figure in the light, shaped like a normal human being, but with no distinct facial features. It had a masculine presence.
The light I have described seemed like it emanated from that figure. Light rays shone all around him. I felt very protected and safe and loved.
The figure in the light told me through what I now know to be mental telepathy that I must go back, that it was not time for me to come here.
I wanted to stay because I felt so full of joy and so peaceful.
The voice repeated that it wasn’t my time; I had a purpose to fulfil and I could come back after I completed it.
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