“This book contains one of the most logical explanations of man’s purpose in the Universe that I have ever read! It is beautiful. It thrilled me.
Ivan deals with the issues for which humankind has struggled to find answers for so long—Creation, Heaven, Time, future events and life after death (including NDEs), with accurate and sharp precision. And he provides us with sound, logical biblical answers.
—Rev. Dave Smethurst, International Evangelist
of with a highly effective and loving ministry, and
founder of a number of orphanages in Eastern Europe
“As a church Minister, I encounter death and the dying often, and experience a wide range of ideas, reactions, emotions, questions, and postulating about death. Ivan Rudolph’s proposition of ‘shadow theory’ and the ‘transfer principle’ in harmony with a careful study of the Bible, combine into a useful framework for all who will cope with or support those facing what eventually comes to us all—dying.
The Bible makes it clear we are made to transcend earthly time, to eventually greet our own eternity—this book provides a thoughtful discussion about the relationship between our short earthly sojourn and God’s eternal purposes, for every one of us. Science keeps faith honest, and faith is strengthened as serious scientific research digs deeper and deeper into our human understanding of the gift of life.”
—Mark Taylor, Minister at Stoke Row Chapel,
Oxfordshire, England
“As an avowed protagonist of “Old-Earth Creation”, I was pleased to see that Ivan’s very interesting and, to me, quite original take on time fitted in perfectly with this—as easily as the instantaneous elimination of the bulldog bite as attested to by Doctor OB Bowker in ١٩٧٥. This was a miracle, essentially very rapid creativity, chronicled by Ivan in this book.
To me the section on the supposed spontaneous creation of life as opposed to it having been brought about by God was most interesting. I have long struggled with the probability of the former occurring. Ivan mentions that his and my Professor in the Geology Department of the University College of Rhodesia, Professor Geoffrey Bond, felt the same way in the mid-1960s.
I feel sure that many will find themselves closer to God after reading this book.”
—Ian “Sandy” Sanderson, Maths HOD
and Physics Teacher in the UK
“I have read Ivan Rudolph’s manuscript with great interest and the subjects he tackles capture my attention as they are the kind of things which I have meditated on for many years.
I am especially interested in his insights about Time. Also, having been with people as they passed on, I have witnessed some truly extraordinary events as they approached death, and I am comforted by his research on Near Death Experiences.
This, together with accounts given to me by people who have themselves been at or near death, convince me that his comments verify much of what I have seen and believe. I think the book will be of great interest and comfort to others.”
—Roland Pletts, international Christian author,
Minister and speaker
“This book is incredibly thought-provoking, whilst providing a thoroughly well researched analysis of such important fundamental concepts. The focus clarifies the concept of Time in the scriptures–and how translations have muddied the waters.
Using a “teacher’s” clear and easily understood style we learn the different stages of God’s work: Creation planned first in Heaven, and Creation then actioned on earth, as well as Creation which takes place over time and encompasses a Theory of Evolution. We learn a great deal about God’s creativity and love—past, present and future—and our role in his family.”
—Julie Tennett, Critic and Editor
“I love the book! It is so easy to read and is honest. I find your first-person rendition includes me as a reader. I find your honesty in examining various views engaging and non-threatening. This makes me as a reader feel safe. I have read reasonably widely on the topics you cover; however, nowhere have I met such honesty of discussion, which is disarming. Herein lies its strength.
Yours is the most lucid explanation of Creation that I have encountered yet. I have shared this with several Christians who enjoy searching out a matter.
It sheds light on a complex reality. I pray that many minds will be enlightened and lives changed for God’s glory. Thank you for writing it.
Your explanation of Time rings true with me.”
—Rev. Ian Feeney, founding Principal of Xavier School
(today’s Citipointe Christian College in Brisbane Australia),
former Official of the Queensland State Department,
School Chaplain and a Christian Counsellor
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