It appears that, one way or another, many NDErs do not escape the consequences of their suicide. Dr George Ritchie 12 describes seeing, during his NDE, the anguished Earth-bound spirits of suicide victims.
In one house a younger man followed an older one from room to room.
‘I’m sorry, Pa!’ he kept saying. ’I didn’t know what it would do to Mama! I didn’t understand.’
But though I could hear him clearly, it was obvious that the man he was speaking to could not. The old man was carrying a tray into a room where an elderly woman sat in bed.
‘I’m sorry, Pa,’ the young man said again. ‘I’m sorry, Mama.’
Endlessly, over and over, to ears that could not hear.
Several times we paused before similar scenes –
A boy trailing a teenaged girl through the corridors of a school:
‘I’m sorry, Nancy!’
A middle-aged woman begging a gray-haired man to forgive her.
‘What are they so sorry for, Jesus?’ I pleaded. ‘Why do they keep talking to people who can’t hear them?’
Then from the light beside me came the thought:
‘They are suicides, chained to every consequence of their act.’
These scenes shook up Ritchie and remained etched in his memory. When later contemplating suicide himself, he knew that no situation on Earth was worth the misery of those spirits that he had witnessed during his NDE. Nor had they escaped from their situations as they had hoped; instead, they had become chained to them.
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