This book is divided into 2 main sections:
Section 1 – Who God really Is – deduced from what He does on earth nowadays.
Section 2 – What appears to be God’s Main Aim for us - and how Christian experiences, and indeed everyone else’s, fit into it.
New understanding is always scrutinised and criticised, which is good providing the scrutiny is honest and sensible. For example, even the small number of testimonies on the demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that there is a supernatural power at work on earth. But because this fact may be challenging to certain world views, it can be dismissed without proper and honest consideration, especially if it challenges our egos.
Even looking over the relatively small number of experiences on my blog, which without exaggeration could be expanded thousands of times, we see that no unbiassed judge and jury on our planet would conclude anything less than a supernatural and personal God exists. So what? Well, for you and for me, because God is eternal, He may even be more important and enduring for each of us than anything else can be.
To be helpful and applicable to you, typical questions about God’s ‘Main Aim’ are answered in this book.
Expanding, first, on the word ‘supernatural’ as used in this book: it comes from ‘super’, which means above or beyond, and ‘nature’, which is the earth we see and experience. It is not a ‘bad’ word when taken simply to mean a reality exists beyond that we experience in the natural universe. Science in all its glory and brilliance is limited to a study of nature, such that a comprehensive study of supernature (‘the supernatural’) is beyond its reach at present, because the supernatural transcends the constraints of the universe. Nevertheless, and significantly, it is the supernatural that we experience when we have experiences with God.
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