Kaden turned to Lila, a defined gleam in his eyes as he spoke, and grabbed a corner of the cabinet door that he knew needed repair.
“I think it's about time I start making myself useful around here. How about I fix this broken cabinet door?”
Lila's expression brightened at the suggestion, a hint of relief evident in her eyes. “Mom would love that, Kaden. Thanks!”
With a nod, Kaden surveyed the kitchen, searching for the tools he needed. A regular screwdriver wasn’t going to cut it, he realized as he looked through various drawers until he found one full of random, household items which included some tools. But to get the door off the hinges he was going to need something more powerful.
“Do you know if your mom has a power drill?”
Lila hesitated, furrowing her brow in thought. “I'm not sure. Maybe in the shed out back? I know she has some gardening tools and other stuff in there.”
Kaden's gaze flickered toward the rear yard as he looked out the window, where a weathered shed stood, its dull, faded teal paint peeling in the sunlight. Memories of better times seemed to cling to the worn wood, a stark contrast to the present.
“Okay, cool,” Kaden said as he headed toward the back door that led out into Florence’s small backyard, “I’ll be right back.”
Kaden headed outside to the rear yard the small tool shed nestled in the far corner. With a sense of purpose, he crossed the yard, the crunch of gravel beneath his feet echoing in the quiet. Kaden approached the shed and tugged on the door, finding it locked. A surge of disappointment washed over Kaden as he tried the knob again.
Glancing around the yard, he racked his brain for another solution, his dedication unyielding. Most people hid a key under a fake rock or something nearby as far as he knew, and when he found the elusive key a moment later under what was indeed a hollowed-out stone it didn’t take any time at all for him to unlock the door.
As Kaden stepped into the shed, a sense of normalcy washed over him. The interior appeared just as one would expect of a typical tool shed, with rows of neatly arranged power tools, gardening implements, and canning equipment lining the shelves, neatly. The air was marked with the scent of damp earthiness as Kaden wrinkled his nose. Despite the clutter of tools and equipment, nothing seemed out of place. Florence had maintained the shed meticulously, each item in its designated spot, waiting patiently to be called into action. The shelves were neatly organized, with jars of nails and screws standing in orderly rows, and a collection of hand tools hung from hooks along the wall. In one corner of the shed, a stack of gardening supplies leaned against the wall, ready to be used for the upcoming planting season. A small workbench stood nearby, its surface was worn smooth from years of use, but still sturdy and reliable. But amidst the practicality of the shed, there was a touch of warmth and comfort that caught Kaden's eye.
A vibrant, red area rug adorned the hardwood floor, its colorful pattern a stark contrast to the utilitarian surroundings. It was a small gesture, but one that spoke volumes about Florence's desire to make the space feel inviting and welcoming. As Kaden searched in earnest for the power drill, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Florence's attention to detail. Despite the chaos that often seemed to swirl around her, she had managed to create a haven of order and tranquility within the confines of the shed. Kaden had just located and grabbed the Black and Decker appliance when a sound from outside the shed caused him to jerk around in surprise, as he nearly dropped it.
“Kaden, what are you doing in there?!” Florence's voice shattered the quiet from the backyard and a moment later the woman was staring at him from the doorway with a look of anger on her face.
“I, uh, I was just looking for some power tools,” Kaden stammered as he held up the drill and found himself intimidated by her tone as she glared at him with her hands on her hips now, “I thought I’d fix the cabinet in the kitchen for you…”
“Well, you shouldn't be going through my things without permission,” Florence cut him off, crossing her arms over her chest now as Lila came running up and stood at her mother’s elbow to see why all hell had broken loose. “The shed is locked for a reason. There have been thefts in the neighborhood, even one as nice as this. How did you get in?”
Holding up the key, Kaden explained his analogy on how he managed to easily locate it and unlock the door. Silently, Florence held out her hand as he deposited the key into her open palm.
“I'm sorry, Florence,” Kaden apologized, trying to diffuse the situation. “Just trying to lend a hand while I’m here.”
Florence's expression appeared to soften slightly, but she still seemed a bit upset as Lila assured her mother that Kaden was only trying to help. Placated that no real harm was done, Florence sighed before she spoke again with her tone calm now.
“Next time, just ask,” she instructed before she pivoted and left them as she walked back out into the yard and Lila gave him a sad smile.
“Strike three.” Kaden scoffed as Lila shook her head and leaned up to kiss him.
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