Fear Is Never a Private Affair
The greatest strength is gentleness
Fear is a great control mechanism and has costly consequences. It is a weapon of coercion to get someone to do its bidding. Fear is an energy current in your body and has many side effects. It locks your mind. It is insidious and very tenacious and cuts you off from Source. It is the base operating system of organizational orthodoxy. It wastes useful energy and is the cause of significant impairment. Jesus constantly reminded us, “Fear not, be not afraid.” Furthermore, anything that is predicated by fear and patriarchal domination should be avoided. If you feel threatened you will have a nagging concern to secure yourself because you will feel in a constant state of existential alienation. This will close your heart and you will have little interest in another except as that person might threaten or promote your own end. When you get under the imperious influence of fear, it becomes very difficult for you to see others in their own right because you become like a ball of string, you cannot disentangle yourself. So your fear is never a private affair because your overriding goal is to keep your emotional economy undisturbed. You resonate your pain throughout the entire universe as you turn upon yourself creating an illusion of separateness and dualism resulting in a prison of individuality and preventing you from wholeness.
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