The orthodox model is a spiritual conceptual straightjacket predicated on fear and dogmatic positions. It is harvesting your soul. Orthodoxy has been very divisive and needs to move to the spiritual part of life. Proponents of orthodoxy are inflexible and unable to help you with your evolution because they keep you living in a box. These organizations are all models of altruistic presumptuousness without a vision. This is why so many individuals have become disillusioned with them and walked away. Orthodoxy has become unconvincing.
You need to ignore orthodoxy until such time that those who accept it show clarity of thinking and are freed from narrowness. Orthodoxy is unenlightened. Relinquish orthodoxy and its damning selfishness. The inner law is the law of the awakened soul. Its morals are so much greater than any mortal could ever possibly conceive. It is your inner divine language and it will never fail you. It comes through your Silence. It has no voice. It is like divine music with deep meaning for every note. These will be drops from the Ocean brought to you directly to your heart. Drop by drop you will have the entire Ocean in your heart. Then you will totally merge with the Ocean, and by reaching the depth of the Ocean, you will achieve the goal of every spiritual being: Self-realization.
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