A person should so live that their happiness shall depend
as little as possible on external things
The outer trappings of your life are insignificant. For what are you searching in all your frantic activities that put you in a state of inconscience where there is no light? Become intoxicated with Spirit not with alcohol. Take one more inner trip, not one more outer trip. Renovate His house, do not buy a larger house. These are mere compensatory activities which leave you feeling apathetic. You are spinning out of control with all your activity. Your nervous restlessness and fitful use of materialism and alcohol consumption is your soul’s indicator that it is still craving a connection with that which is not transient.
You are over filling your cup by being around others constantly. Your frequent social gatherings, often with the same people, are most likely filled with alcohol and intoxicants for escape, and will switch you off if only temporarily; poor music and mindless chatter which leave you more unfulfilled because nothing of depth has taken place due to having checked your prefrontal cortex at the door with your first alcoholic beverage. Alcohol and drugs distort the mind making it impossible to have any clarity. You will have no insight of any measurable value as long as alcohol and drugs are in your life. Furthermore, alcohol is pure sugar and sugar is a cancer magnet making it one of the reasons we have such a high rate of cancer in our nation. Today’s non-artistic low-quality music should be of concern to you and to parents. Today’s empty music is about money and stardom not about art. All this useless noise does not allow you to listen with your spirit. Although meaningful relationships, community, and friendships are very important in our lives, “empty” gatherings begin to lose their vitality and become your dope because you have become addicted to numbing your senses through them. When you must be with people all the time in idle chatter, these relationships become stagnant. These times for “chilling” then fill you with toxic energy rather than nourish you. You are numbed and neurotic by these gatherings because they create a painful division between your higher and lower self. More often than not, you are consuming energy that is unhealthy for your central nervous system. It leaves you feeling lonely and more isolated.
You know none of this is giving you solace because you are creating an inane vacuum with purely artificial meanings. Have you noticed at times how the emptiness of this reality leaves you exhausted after being in certain social gatherings? Instead of feeling recharged, you can barely wake up the next morning. You sleep in because you have depleted your energy rather than restored your energy. You are so trapped by your constant attraction to perpetual motion either through physical movement or useless chatter, that you continue to seek out this habitual temperament lest you become bored or depressed. This charade of standing above the crowd and endless futility is exhausting and unfulfilling. You have psychologically indoctrinated yourself influenced by orthodoxy. Examine it and downregulate the frenetic activity or you will continue to suffer endlessly. Unruly mind, unruly body. By continuing this lifestyle, all you are doing is postponing your ultimate frustration. You are frightened of sitting still aren’t you because your intimacy with your soul is thin and vague. You are afraid to sit still because you do not want to feel the unexplained deep void in your heart. Your life has become an unproductive drudgery without your material dope by which you numb yourself. Living life large is a superficial philosophy when it places your soul in a state of acute crisis. Let your life instead be possessed by the mysterious reality of the active side of infinite consciousness. There is a greater purpose in life beyond your day-to-day frenetic activities.
You are a victim of an ignorant world that makes such feverish activity attractive. It is not the outside world that needs to change, however, it is the concept of yourself that needs to change that keeps you chasing your dope. This chase will consume you like a wildfire. You are about to drive yourself off a cliff unless you wake up in time to the fact that true joy only comes from within. If your cup is already full with all this feverish activity, there is no opportunity to fill it with something of greater substance and long-lasting value. Examine the times. Examine your life. Examine your distractions. Examine your boredom. Listen in silence to your boredom. It has something to teach you. Empty your cup and sit back objectively for a while. Sit in quietude. Do self-inquiry and witness objectively all that is going on around you.
Peace will never be attained in this way. You are in enemy territory. Beware. When all this self-centered activity stops, you will begin to touch silence and only then will you be capable of your fullest growth. Why are you so uncomfortable being silent? Why are you so uncomfortable being silent in the presence of another? Turn within, and still stay in touch with your environment. Just don’t let yourself be pulled by your environment. Observe, don’t absorb.
What are you teaching your children by your choices and behaviors? When our children in various life circumstances least know what to do, they fall back on what’s most common. What is most common is what they saw happening in their family-of-origin. What are you teaching even adult children who are no longer living in your home? In what are they observing you participate which makes them think that what you have is what they need to live a happy life. Our children very naturally fall into resonance with our ideals. Are your ideals inspiring their hearts so they can fulfill their ideals? Reach inside so that you can let your consciousness reach right inside the consciousness of your children.
There is no limit to the darkness you can model for your children through self-indulgence. There is no limit to the Light you can model for your children by looking within. If you teach them to live from their soul, One Source will become everything for them as they access their unlimited capacity. In essence what they will be doing is uncovering all that they have already known. You choose. Perhaps you might want to let them watch you fill your cup drop-by-drop from the Ocean of Consciousness rather than drop- by-drop with that martini and useless chatter. Your soul sends you many divine inspirations. Perhaps you might want to listen to those inspirations. The way things look is deceptive. The only way to know the Truth is to go inward.
You are searching for your soul in all the wrong places by giving in to the pressurized reactionary elements of your life. Accumulate graces not more gold. I have never seen a Brinks truck follow a hearse yet. The less attachment, the more inner growth. If you look for substance in material things you will certainly be missing the mark because it is inner growth that matters. Boredom is your teacher. If you are still doing today what you were doing twenty or thirty years ago, pursuing excessive stimulation, there is something very neurotic in your personality on which you need to focus. Due to fears of insufficiency you shift and run from place to place and have lost your anchor. It is because most of our lives are out of balance that the Eastern medical system, Ayurveda, which is a 5000-year-old ancient medical model which comes to us from India, focuses on lifestyle for healing. It knows that you are so often over-heated from so much activity and motion that it keeps you fiery, anxious and out-of-balance because you are constantly activating and overstimulating the sympathetic nervous system.
Educate your feelings. This is the starting point to your spirituality. One of the most popular biblical verses reminds you to “Be still and know that I AM God.” In your stillness, not frenetic activity, which keeps you addicted to constant external stimulation, you will learn about your I Amness, your original true nature. Only in simplicity will you rehabilitate yourself from this poverty of self.
I do not mean to deny nor diminish the importance of your earthly experiences for your spiritual growth. I am not suggesting that you take no interest in the external world or that you vacate into a Himalayan cave because escapism is not the answer. Nor do I suggest a life of indifference but one of discrimination because in the finite you can find the Infinite. It all depends on your approach and inner motivation. Do not give up your physical life, give up its illusions, so you can make your physical life a part of your spiritual life. Do not be enslaved by the material world.
You travel the world and you do not know yourself. Most people are on a trip without a goal. As your life is focused outward, make sure your eyes are focused inward. Transcend the material world while living in it. Let every outward action have inner significance. One small outward step may create a quantum inner leap. Every moment of life can be either a lesson or a school for learning. Look within! Life is a continuous education. Live in this world to be of service to others. Being in service to others gives meaning to your life and makes it a means for your self-realization. You will leave all material things behind, money, house, etc., and most of your time is spent on these external issues with very little time given to consciousness which is the goal of our existence. Your body also will one day fall victim to the worms, but your soul will continue to live. Speak less so the heart will lead. Few conversations are particularly brilliant. Teach through silence. Thirst more for the inner world. Look within!
La Rochefouchauld, a French writer commented, “When we are unable to find tranquility within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere.” Be filled with reverence for the material world, but do not lose sight of your spiritual heritage. However, when you feel the material world has failed you, then look with your unbounded vision toward the Infinite because your essence is that of Source. You and Source are One. It is important to live life fully and yet rise above these lower limitations by looking from above.
Cherish what calls out to you whether it is valued by culture because orthodox culture is a pale shadow of a deeper order. Honoring your inner experience gives you a reliable map for the journey of your soul. The course and tenor of your spiritual life is determined by how well you listen to your inner voice. Yet this inner voice has its polarity, the dark side, which is in constant dialectical process with your higher consciousness. This intra- polarity is the best and worst that is found in a person. In order to develop integration and transformation, you need to cancel out as much of what is contained in the negative polarity. The lessons learned from the struggles of the negative polarity within you will result in wholeness. Do not suppress them. Rather make them conscious and understand them. Be a creative work of art in the constant and continuous process of remaking yourself while in the service of Infinite Intelligence. This beauty carries with it an incomprehensible power! You will never forget a person with such an exceptional and striking phenomenon.
Annihilate any ego until your divine love grows into perfection. Metamorphose your perceptions of material allures until you are nothing but the Divine and until you are filled with God-consciousness! Go inward as you will only find Spirit in silence.
The whole world is asleep in the arrogant conditioning and narrow outlook of culture and generation. Stop bowing down to protocol as if in a court. Develop an independence of thought and an exuberance of spiritual energy so friends will never forget you and they will carve you infinitely into their memories. Do not be flooded and hypnotized by wrong doctrines and dogmas. Broadcast instead only Truth and divine living. Seek refuge only in Source not in a church. Why would you, One Source, go to a building with four walls looking for yourself? It is yourself that you are seeking. You must be firm as a rock in your convictions and sincerity and live with an inexplicable joy so you can walk yourself Home wide awake. Do you dare wake up and let your embryonic consciousness evolute from Homo Sapiens to Homo Spiritualis?
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