Thursday, January 13
Waves, cold black waves, and sand from the shores of Velvet Creek have buried the brown-skinned man, his face frozen in a Munch’s scream of death. Only his long black hair, swirling like seaweed under the angry froth of an incoming tide, can be seen. The barbed wire, which encased his body when he was buried alive low on the bank of this remote tidal creek, has kept him from bobbing to the surface. But it has only been one tidal cycle…
A bigger, more powerful wave surges against the narrowed end of the creek, riding high up its banks and crashing with a roar against Lake Timicau’s eroding, earthen dam.
At least the displaced sand has softened the horror of the man’s expression, completely filling his open mouth and mortaring closed the deep, barbed-wire gashes across his naked back. He did all he could to free himself from those torturous barbs when he was alive, but it wasn’t enough. Immobilized, screaming himself voiceless, he drowned there by inches in the rising tides of Timicau Island.
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