She had the choice of life or death. She chose death. Her friends would be fine. But Jack wouldn't be. He would be lost forever. As mad as she was, she couldn't let him vanish like this. She walked toward the blue vortex, that pulling sensation dragging her forward.
The pathway to the other side was not a tunnel, but a bridge. The bridge between this world and the spirit world was invisible. Only the midnight blue flames formed scaffolding. In essence, she would walk across thin air surrounded by writhing snakes of blue flame. But if she wanted to bring Jack's soul back, she would have to cross. There was no other way. Jordan ballooned her lungs full of air and let it slip out in a slow hiss. Angel was possessed. Elliott was unconscious. She was the only one left who could do something, anything.
The first step was the hardest. No one wanted to step on uncertain ground. One more inhale. Then she closed her eyes and moved her foot forward. Although she couldn't see it, the bridge was solid and warm beneath her sneakers, swaying ever so slightly in a silent wind. Buried deep in the air was the haunting song of the dead. She took that first step, her footprints blushing purple, and crossed from the world of the living to the one swirling with spirits.
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