What is bad for you is not good for your neighbor.
—Swahili (Kenya and Tanzania)
Treat your neighbor justly and honestly.
—Swahili (Kenya and Tanzania)
What you do not like, do not do unto your neighbor.
—Twi (Ghana)
If you know what hurts yourself, you know what hurts others.
—Malagasy (Madagascar)
O man, what you do not like, do not do to your fellows.
—Bakongo (Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo)
What you do not find acceptable if it were done to you by another, do not do to him or her.
—Akan (Ghana)
What you can’t take, do not do unto others.
—Yoruba (Nigeria)
Compare to the following:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
—Luke 6:31
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