Our children are our future and our salvation!
Let’s just hope that enough caring people surface that believe in justice and child welfare, with the courage and means to expose and close these criminal networks. Only through legislating full transparency can we get all this darkness out into the open. And only through dramatic changes to the monetary system (as money is used to lure these children,) will these kinds of horrific crimes end.
Have you also noticed in the war against drugs (particularly drugs like cocaine), that no matter who is arrested or imprisoned, or how many victims die annually, the trade continues to increase? Billions are being made in this growing industry, now considered one of the most lucrative “businesses” on the planet! Who do you think are running it and financing it? Only through public interest and full transparency will these secrets be revealed—secrets well-guarded and kept by those affluent few who many would never suspect. Unfortunately, wealth and privilege buys the loyalty of many.
Things are starting to change, however, as there are now energies that are working against fear and division. All crime originates from fear. Fear creates secrets and lies and covers it up with more lies, and now mistakes will increase and truth will slip out for the aware to notice. Again, Trump (since he’s so often in the news these days) has made many, blurting out on national TV that if you’re rich and powerful “you can shoot someone down in cold blood on Fifth Avenue and get away with it!” He even more recently addressed a crowd after Epstein‘s demise, saying: “You should check out Clinton’s body count!”
These mistakes or “accidental confessions” are becoming more frequent from those who dwell in fear and guilt. We will notice these quicker, as we evolve. This is good news, as there are now new energies present through our awakening that are allowing all this corruption and darkness to come out. It is all forcing the masses out of complacency; so we can finally change things. We are now in a time where we can truly enhance our lives, the lives of our families, and the life of our planet!
To discover upcoming events or new legislation that threatens more of our personal rights and freedoms, always remember the dictates given by the Annunaki to their human followers:
“For your One World Order you must reduce the earth’s population to 500 million people. Use the monetary system, big business and public media to control and exploit the poor and middle-class. Eliminate all non-contributors. Create inflation often to keep the populace distracted and working longer. Maintain a slave mentality and only support the largest profit-makers. Increase fear, prejudice and propaganda through your media to maintain divisions within countries and against countries who represent a threat. Promote and create wars to generate additional profit. Invest in industries that work to reduce populations. Keep the majority controlled, subservient, stressed and vulnerable. Continue to mine the earth’s resources for us. Restrict people’s knowledge of their origins and potential for evolution and mutiny. Target the new children being born around the globe to reduce their ability to rebel. Create additional legislation to reduce individual freedoms and increase compliance. Restrict all free speech that threatens the status quo and secretly eliminate all influential dissenters. Above all, keep the masses in fear—too busy trying to survive, fully submissive to authority and feeling helpless to resolve any problem they discover.”
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