In the time of the three Kings the beautiful world of Apra was ruled by three races. The wise and mystical elfin race called the Inadae, the benevolent and magical fairy race called the Deidae, and the Strong, fearless demon race known as the Draveil. The three races lived in peace, until the humans came. Fear and hate drove the human King to wage war against the three Kings and so forced the Inadae and Deidae into hiding. The Draveil fought back and after many lives had been lost on both sides, a compromise had been made. The killing would stop and the Draveil would retreat into the mountains that they claimed as their own. Many were driven underground to the depths of Vessard where they would remain until the great summoning called them back. The few who stayed to guard the mountain temple were looked at with great loathing by the humans until one Draveil warrior attempted to bring peace to the great races once more and unite the tribes of Apra. Though he was met with opposition on both sides he none the less believed in this idea of peace. This is where his story begins...
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