Jackson circles back to how longevity could impact his and Jodi’s retirement. “As we saw on the site, Mom’s life expectancy means she will likely live a long time after she retires. If you think about it, you can control a certain amount of expenses in retirement, like housing costs, travel expenses, clothing, gifts, eating out, and accessory expenditures. Focusing on the long game, we will not have as much flexibility or control over health-care costs, such as Medicare or Medigap premiums, supplemental health insurance premiums, like vision or hearing, deductibles, copays, prescriptions, over-the-counter medicines, medical equipment, and support services and the wild card, extended or long-term care expenses.
After our experience with your grandparents, I started to read a good deal about retirement planning. According to a recent Edward Jones survey,49 ‘The new retirement is becoming an exciting and fulfilling stage of life—full of new choices, new freedoms, and new challenges.’ Sounds great! Unless …”
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