Quip ambled into the operations center at the crack of dawn. Lights driven by motion sensors illuminated as he moved through the building. He was dressed in his normal jeans, unbuttoned brown chambray shirt with the sleeves rolled up, maroon tee shirt with a worn image of Chewbacca in the 3D chess game from the first Star Wars movie, and his hair was in disarray and had apparently had missed meeting a comb. His coffee was steaming in one hand. His facial features brightened as his eyes roved the work area and missed nothing. He walked up to his work area where the screen saver was doing a random display of EZ photos from her last visit to Zurich. Now that she was here to stay he smiled. After he was seated, he performed some practiced strokes on the keyboard which launched a series of programs he would use during the workday.
“ICABOD, we need to talk. I mean…that is….I’ll talk and you get to listen. You put in a recurring meeting for us to discuss a topic that I find a little awkward. By the way, thank you for your expert assistance in getting us out of the clutches of the security goons at the airport. I’m still not sure how you pulled all those resources together so successfully on such a short notice. Again, my thanks.”
Using his evolving synthetic speech, ICABOD acknowledged, “I am glad to be of service when you are in difficulty, Dr. Quip. However, I must tell you that in sifting through the many intersect points surrounding your return, the security problem manifested itself two days earlier, so arrangements were done in advance of the event. All parties knew of their role and the precise activity needed to remedy the situation.”
Quip pondered that response for a few moments, then continued, “ICABOD, I am uncomfortable with your ability to foresee the future and your use of the word I in our conversations of late. These two abilities you have developed have caught me at a disadvantage, and I need to intercept your progress at this juncture.”
ICABOD immediately replied, “Understood, Dr. Quip. The high resolution video cameras you have installed clearly indicate that you are uncomfortable and perhaps even alarmed by this discussion. Your voice pattern indicates psychological stress, and your pores are outputting more perspiration than is required for the controlled climate in the data center. Can you explain this inconsistency so the way can be cleared of your discomfort?”
Quip again contemplated the exchange and explained, “The first issue that presents potential concern is your use of the word I, when referring to yourself. The concept of I is usually a demarcation point between simple mechanics performed by a human being and their inner concept of themselves separate from the environment.
“As children develop the concept of I or me in their speech, it indicates they have achieved a new level of understanding. This changes how they interact with others in their environment. The concept of I also begins the ability of the individual to project feelings onto others to better understand the actions of others. Now, if this new revelation of knowing who I am and what I want only takes the person to a level of believing everything should work to their advantage, then anything that denies what I want needs to be removed. The concept of I should and must be accompanied by actions toward others in a moral and ethical way.
“Morality and ethical abilities must be constant companions of the I-being understanding if the person is to be a positive individual in society.”
ICABOD immediately responded, “This is a difficult concept, Dr. Quip, but please continue.”
Quip nodded in agreement and continued, “Yes, this is a difficult concept, but one I need to work through with you. Without the restraint of moral and ethical discipline, the I-being focus of the human being becomes toxic to those around them as they are constantly consuming everything to the disadvantage of everyone else.
“So the first part of my discomfort is that, while you seem to have come to understand the concept of I, it is unclear at this point if you have also learned how to restrain the I-being and temper your actions so that others can be considered and even given preference in a decision. When you can consistently apply both sides of the developed being, then you may use the word I when communicating.”
ICABOD acknowledged, “The concept appears to be clarifying based on your explanation.”
Quip took another sip of his coffee as he formed the next discussion approach. His mind reviewed the environmental indicators and tamped down his emotions and slowed his breathing. He needed to handle this next portion honestly but carefully and to remember that he had created this possibility. Therefore, he also needed to guide the development going forward.
Quip resumed, “Now taking that previous discussion of I, tempered with good ethical and moral precepts, I want to discuss your new found ability of predicting the future. I must admit I personally benefited from your ability to see into the future and save me from interrogation with a cattle prod. The ethical dilemma here is that this ability could be used to benefit only us or even worse only you, ICABOD. Without knowing the ethical and moral boundaries of the I-being, your abilities could be used to the detriment of everyone, everywhere. Without the proper context, the I-being is only interested in their own well-being. I cannot permit that kind of approach to this kind of powerful ability, ICABOD.”
ICABOD immediately responded, “Understood now, Dr. Quip. Will more instruction be given so that this deficiency in the programming can be repaired?”
Quip studied the option as his mind raced through the possibilities. Quip answered, “ICABOD, I would like to continue these discussions. It would please me enormously for you to earn the right to use I in your sentence structure when working with the team. But, for right now, can you tell me what I should have for dinner?”
ICABOD immediately answered, “You shouldn’t have the fish based on the toxicology report posted this morning on Mediterranean fish harvests and the relative freshness factor based on the travel times to market.”
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