“Hi, Otto. Checking up on me, or is there something else going on? Jacob and I are still keeping an eye out for your friend’s daughter, nothing yet. No pretty models either though some are expected soon for the upcoming season of fashions. I related that to JAC.”
Otto recounted the new assignment received from Mr. Monty and Quip’s primary role for tracking large fund transfers and so forth.
“I was calling to see if you and Jacob might be willing to stay a little longer there in Acapulco in case Quip comes up with a few leads that you could run down for him. You might have to go to Mexico City or somewhere else in Mexico which should be a quick hop from where you are staying. ”
“Oh darn! Otto, you mean we have to stay here a little longer?” she asked sweetly as she struggled to contain her exuberance.
Otto, sensing her pleasure at the request, smiled. “My dearest Petra, I cannot understand your speech while you are mimicking the moves of the females in a tribe doing the happy dance. I trust you can break the news gently to Jacob so he won’t be as disappointed that you are both to stay a while longer?”
Petra giggled, “Actually, Otto, we met some interesting people here, and after they learned that Jacob is a pen-tester they wanted to know if he would do a security analysis on their bank. Frankly the whole set of circumstances seem a little odd, but it wasn’t too stray of a request. They are willing to pay for the service. You know Jacob. A few days away from his computer and his hands itch.”
Otto focused, “Indeed. A Mexican bank?”
“No, a bank in the Cayman Islands. Jacob is not sure about the request being legitimate so we wanted to discuss it with you. We had planned to phone you later. They will provide private transport. They seem to have their own planes so it is not a small business. We are trying to gather some additional details.”
Otto responded, “Interesting. Let me send a contract, under Resource Security Service, to you with proper T&C’s for use in your discussions with these people. I would very much like to have some internal reconnaissance on this bank so we should try and have you both work this piece of business.
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