Agata wrapped her dark wool coat tightly around her to minimize the chill that increased with her movement down the windy sidewalk. Maintaining eyes on her surroundings, she darts between the shadows of the dimly lit storefronts. In her early twenties, she deliberately avoids others like a seasoned spy. Agata is a tall and slender beauty hiding behind her dark hair.
A group of German soldiers, obviously drunk, staggered towards her with their rifles carelessly thrown across their shoulders. Sporadic laughter erupts from the group, and she recognizes the potential trouble with a confrontation. Agata turned abruptly and quickly weaves her way through the traffic to the other side of the street. Her move costs her freedom.
A Gestapo agent appeared like a shadow inside the darkness and grabs her arm the moment she steps onto the sidewalk. Stunned for a heartbeat, Agata tries to pull away but can’t. She is forced to look at his face a few centimeters away and smells his tobacco breath.
The Gestapo agent growls harshly, “Your name?”
Now leering and pulling her tightly up against him, he demands, “What are you studying?”
Without warning, Agata kissed him long and passionately. She pulled away, smiling, and replies, “Anatomy.” Agata grabbed the lapels of his coat, kissed him again, and pushed him toward a nearby opening off the street.
The Gestapo agent follows her lead, and they disappear into the darkness.
A small crowd of people hurried down the sidewalk, unaware of the implicit promises unfolding in the shadows. No one paid heed to the inarticulate noises of first a gasp followed by grunts coming from the alley. Mere moments later, Agata emerges from the passage, calmly wipes the blood off a knife with the agent’s handkerchief, then casually tosses the cloth back into the darkness. She slipped the knife into her belt beneath her coat. Walking away, she allowed the crowd to wrap itself around her, onward to her destination again.
Ferdek, still seated facing the door at the U Szkota Pub, kept a mental inventory of the people, the activity, and his friends who are nursing their beers. Checking his watch, he knows time is ticking away and still no contact.
After another sip of his beer to remain calm, there’s action at the door. The beautiful Agata entered. She stopped and looked around. She spoted the table and walks straight toward them. Ferdek stands. Agata took a chair across from him. Her expression is all business. Ferdek sat and studied her in silence. Tavius and Wolfgang straighten but seem confused by her calm demeanor. They look at each other and then to Ferdek but say nothing.
In a low but deliberate tone, Agata coolly announced, “I am looking for Ferdek Watcowski.”
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