The Agape Model Creator Anthony Ally, will cover:
* The #1 SECRET every CEO needs to lead in hybrid environments (and why it's a secret most people have no clue about)
* The enormous opportunities in hybrid environments that most management team members miss
* Unique opportunities to build deeper employee & client connections!
* Greater employee engagement and cross departmental collaboration while working remotely
* 3 Key Performance Indicators most leaders miss!
* Bonus: This book is not just for learning but immediately experiencing greater employee & client engagements by applying the model. To that end, early buyers will also receive the accompanying New Rules for Hybrid Leaders workbook and additional templates at no extra charge.
Trusted Advisor to Management Team Members at Global 2000 companies and some smaller organizations. Inspires Management Team to Build a Culture of Love & Empathy When Engaging Clients and One Another. Creator of the Agape Leadership Model for CEOs or Senior Executives who wants to build a culture of love and empathy when engaging one another at work and in their client experiences. Author of The New Rules for Hybrid Leaders. Executives served at Microsoft, IBM, PWC, KPMG & many others around the globe.
Some Benefits of leading with the Agape Model in hybrid and remote first environments:
1. Shorter sales cycles because you are cutting out unnecessary parts of your sales model
2. Increased sales productivity with less travel times
3. Higher profitability because of higher valued connections and shorter sales cycles
4. Less unqualified prospects, since most are more circumspect with their time
5. More referrals from satisfied clients who are happy to rave about you, because you are delivering what matters most to your ideal clients faster than ever.
Book Excerpt
New Rules for Hybrid Leaders
“What if I could show youhow to add so much value to your ideal clients that they will come knocking at your door wanting to do business with your company? What if you could gain higher-profit clients and increase their ROI while reducing your sales cycle? Would you be open to that idea?”
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