Patients are basically trapped – once you are diagnosed, you get caught up in the health service and all your choices are taken away. You get told ‘you need chemotherapy, radiotherapy, drugs’. And for food, in hospital it is ‘here is the soup – take it or leave it’. But I go in and say ‘here are your choices for what to eat today’, they can pick something. It may seem a small option, but to the patient, it is a big option, as they have grabbed a bit of control.
You think this could be this person’s last meal – you want it to be nice, you don’t want it to be just run of the mill. When you are doing a hundred meals, by the time you serve the hundredth one, it’s not going to be as fresh, as it has cooked slightly longer. But here, everything is direct from the kitchen to the patients – it is as good as you have created it. I think that makes a difference.
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