It was something Ocean Delvina never thought possible. How could she ever? She’s been in love with Donovan Doolittle as far back as she can remember. She wanted him as her lover, her best friend, her husband, her mate, and definitely her match. But all of that changed once she turned him into a wolf.
Still? She might not be sitting next to Nosh Indigo around a glorious bonfire in Takoda’s territory if she didn’t. This gorgeous omega cougar has impossible whiskey-colored eyes she couldn’t stop staring into the depths of. Each time he looked at her after applying peroxide to her wounds, the color changed.
Sometimes they were almost ebony, sometimes even as light as honey as the flames played with their coloring in the darkness and light. The colors changing like that had Ocean wonder if they’d darken to the color of the Wyoming forest floor if she wrapped her mouth around his cock right this very minute. He may have been using a cotton ball to touch her skin, but Ocean still felt the heat of his touch rush over her. It was as if he set all of her nerve endings ablaze. His chiseled chin matched his chest’s pecks and abs, which she couldn’t take her eyes off of either. Not when he discarded his shirt the minute that they set foot on the campsite. His entire body dripped sex rather than sweat. So much so that she’d been wondering how she’d get through tonight without licking him from his chin to his divine—and yes, God, yes! Glorious enough to worship—happy trail.
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