America is more divided now than ever in our lifetimes. Republican versus Democrat, red state versus blue state, rural versus urban—it is clear people are increasingly retreating into competing camps and geographies. Initiated by the pandemic, people are “voting with their feet,” making red states redder and blue states bluer by fleeing to their respective corners of the country. The increasing number of Congressional votes along strict party affiliation is growing proof of a disturbing trend. In addition, the electorate is increasingly voting for Congressional positions and the presidency along strict party lines. Some believe we are heading for a second civil war, where the winner dictates the terms of living in America.
Yet the majority of Americans still look for real solutions that are bold and based on American principles. Uniq uely American solutions that appeal to conservatives, progressives, libertarians, moderates, independents, and classical liberals are still possible. The criterion for good governance is when a cross section of the ideological spectrum votes for a policy solution, even if for different reasons. If a solution gains popular support, the most ideological, incumbent politicians will vote accordingly, and meaningful change will occur.
Change is more than a political slogan, and something does need to change. Change itself can be a unifying force in America if most Americans agree on the policy solution—not our form of a representative republic, which has stood the test of time, but policies within our republic that divide us. We require change without losing our freedoms enshrined in our Constitution, which are under attack from both sides of the political aisle.
This book is about uniting Americans from across the political spectrum to solve major problems facing us that our politicians are ignoring or cannot muster the political will to resolve. However, this is a book on policy, not politics. I am not a politician, journalist, talk-show host, or pundit. Nor am I a lawyer, and I will never run for office. My wife and I have four great adult children who vote along the entire political spectrum or maybe not at all. I read a lot about philosophy, history, finance, and politics when I can stand it. We sent our kids to both public and private schools, even when we could not really afford it, to give them educational opportunities. We give to charities more than most and less than we should because we worry about the future and taking care of four living generations. In short, I believe I am one of the tens of millions of normal, hardworking, get-up-every-day, and do-what-you-are-supposed-to-do Americans who care about the future of our country.
I am an engineer by training. Engineers are problem solvers. We define problems, research, analyze data, and develop solutions. I was born and raised in New York City and educated and live in the South. I have worked in various businesses solving problems in supply chain and manufacturing, design and construction, and commercial real estate. I am an entrepreneur, having built a consulting business to service my clients around whatever skill sets I have that they are willing to pay for, and I know what it means to make payroll, be in debt, and pay taxes. I am not rich but did better than my parents and well enough to retire at age sixty.
This book will propose bold, modern, American solutions for problems plaguing this country, whether they are currently politically viable or not. It will propose solutions that require compromise at a scale not seen in America in generations. It will not use cliches or modern cultural terms or name-drop politicians. It is not about bringing Democrats over to the Republican side or vice versa. It uses references and quotes from all perspectives, from progressive to conservative. It will be direct and honest, with no political agenda other than to create a more united country.
Many people who vote for one party or the other do so out of their own sense of compassion rather than ideology, power, or control. They want change that will benefit society. As such, this book has two simple goals:
Some of the ideas presented here are new; others are great ideas from the past that have never been implemented. I have integrated both old and new ideas into one proposal called the American Unity Plan. This plan is in alignment with the American principles we seem to share, and its messaging as a platform to voters is devised deliberately to gather support across political lines.
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