Authorpreneur Dashboard – Debbie S TenBrink

Debbie S TenBrink

Warped Ambition

Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

When the battered body of a teenage girl is found in a dumpster, Lieutenant Jo Riskin is called to take the case. Investigating with her partner, Detective Lynae Parker, Jo uncovers secrets, loyalties, and ambitions that give motives to a surprising number of suspects, including a boyfriend from the wrong side of the tracks While immersed in her current case, Jo is battling her own personal demons. After two years, she is still grieving over the loss of her husband, who was killed in the line of duty. New information that could help solve his murder, and let her move on with her life, is within her grasp. Barricading her heart, Jo is determined to solve both cases and bring the killers to justice.

Book Bubbles from Warped Ambition

A Visit with Mike

This scene is pulled straight from the small farming town where I grew up. The drive that Jo takes and the cemetery that she visits, even the names on the tombstones, are real pieces of that town. I've been married for almost thirty years. When I wrote this scene, and every other one that involves Mike, I thought about how I would react if my husband was murdered and the case was unsolved. My heart hurt every time I wrote about Jo's struggle to move on. I hope I did service to the people who have been through a tragedy like this.

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