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How to Write Well

Professional & Technical

Everyone who writes wants to do it well but for most people, writing is something that takes practice and determination to be able to get the words to flow well and make them easy to read and absorb. Learning to write well requires regular reading, and time spent doing writing exercises so that the words are enjoyable, easy for the reader to understand, and also of great interest to the reader. Just as with ball games and athletics, hard, regular practice will lead to a ‘win’ or at least a good performance, so it is with writing. To produce good work that appeals to readers, requires writers to have read widely to update themselves with current information that readers, who are their audience, really want to read. This book provides guidance on how to prepare yourself to write well in language that is readable to all levels of reader. With daily writing and associated activities you should be able to avoid ‘writer’s block’. This book tells you how and where to get ideas to write about and where to find information, through research and reading, to support your arguments. With plenty of practice you will be able to write well and feel the satisfaction that comes with a job well done. Good luck with your writing journey.

Book Bubbles from How to Write Well

How to read to write

It is good to read extensively before you begin to write. There are different types of reading, depending on the speed each individual-slow readers, fast readers, skimmers and analyzers. How do you read ? depending on the type of assignment you are writing, as a slow reader you will gain a lot of knowledge and details from what you are reading. it is sometimes more difficult to write a non-fiction publication. Fiction writing allows free expression and individual creativity. writers of fiction have a lot of freedom to make use of their creative minds to compile their thoughts and present their ideas in a logical manner to their consumers, the readers of their work.

Specialist writing

Knowledge of the genre you are writing for is very important. A feature writer, for example, might decide to write an article on how to prevent malaria. The writer uses simple language that is understood by everyone, in a step-by-step way so that the message can be understood by anyone reading it, not just a health professional. The type of writing meant for professionals in a certain field uses different language from that used by someone writing for the public. Writing for the general public needs to be simple to pass the message on to the reader, so don’t use professional jargon; only use professional jargon if your target audience consists of, for example, health practitioners, lecturers or students. Prepare for this type of writing with thorough research and try to break professional jargon into more common, simple, everyday words. Simplifying the subject may be hard, but as a good writer, it is the only way you can gain the trust of your readers. Readers should not be having to look up words in the dictionary while reading your work.


Everyone who writes wants to do it well but for most people, writing is something that takes practice and determination to be able to get the words to flow well and make them easy to read and absorb. Learning to write well requires regular reading, and time spent doing writing exercises so that the words are enjoyable, easy for the reader to understand, and also of great interest to the reader. Just as with ball games and athletics, hard, regular practice will lead to a ‘win’ or at least a good performance, so it is with writing. To produce good work that appeals to readers, requires writers to have read widely to update themselves with current information that readers, who are their audience, really want to read. This book provides guidance on how to prepare yourself to write well in language that is readable to all levels of reader. With daily writing and associated activities you should be able to avoid ‘writer’s block’. This book tells you how and where to get ideas to write about and where to find information, through research and reading, to support your arguments. With plenty of practice you will be able to write well and feel the satisfaction that comes with a job well done. Good luck with your writing journey.

A Working Business Plan: How to Write a Working Business Plan

Business & Investing

A business plan is a document created to help the owners of the business outline how they intend to operate their day to day business activities. It is a business guide and communication tool. It tells investors, bankers and sponsors how resources can be put into a business. A business plan has a quality of living long after it has been created. It is a living document that could be changed and evolves along with the business. It clearly communicates what the business operator intends to do, how they will achieve it, and what milestones are needed to measure performance. This is what Tom Harris talks about in his book “A Practical Guide to Starting and Running a New Business” (Springer, 2006). Harris gives a financial model created by a team or a group of individuals with common objectives and goals, but someone has to take charge of its production. A business plan is an essential tool and requires ongoing adjustments as the business develops. It has no qualities of remaining static. Changes are made as the business discloses its operations. It is updated often as knowledge of market expands. Its ownership remains a property of the whole team.

Book Bubbles from A Working Business Plan: How to Write a Working Business Plan

How to make a business presentation

Before you make a presentation it is advisable to find out how much time will be available for the presentation. Be concise in your presentation because that is what people appreciate. Most of the audiences are busy people. Bore them and they will not be impressed at all. Do practice before your presentation. Make sure you have mastered the materials properly. Learn them by heart and have them on your finger tips. It is good you get prepared well in advance. Use ‘Prompt cards’ if possible or a ‘Power Point’. Look at your cards/ notes occasionally as you present. Do not read word by word from the scripts. That will show how little you know about your products.

How to raise capital

One can finance his business from his own savings, a loan from financial institution, or from investors or shareholders. The plan should demonstrate clearly all aspects of the proposed business. Be sure to know exactly how much is required, and for what purpose. It helps to assure investors that their funds will be used effectively. Planning will not only help you gain the money you need to borrow but even in planning and utilizing your own money wisely.

Reasons for writing a business plan:

• To serve has a tool for communicating ones ideas to others e.g. investors, partners or employees. • To be a tool for guiding the business operation. • It forms a foundation for financing proposals. • Allows assessing and measuring of performance as business progress. • To serve as a guiding tool in setting short and long term business goals. • For identification of strength and weaknesses of the idea. • For easy evaluation on the feasibility of business ideas.

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