Landed at Muritala Mohammed International Airport in Lagos, Nigeria after he was deported from the United States, Danny Adeyinka, a privileged military brat, had been an undocumented immigrant living a riotous life in the underworld. Arrested by the FBI and the U.S. Secret Service, Danny is caught between the political ambition of John Rosenberg, the U.S. Attorney for the southern district of Maryland, and the notorious Baltimore-based "B-more Boys" gang. In a race to save his life, Danny must rely on his faith and go on the offensive to eliminate the threats leading to the governor’s mansion in Annapolis. He must find the designated assassin before it’s too late.
Watching the news these days, one can’t help to feel for the men and women who protect the U.S borders as they suffer from cognitive dissonance. Enforcing the law and having empathy for the undocumented immigrant seeking asylum. Danny, the main character in my book falsely applied for asylum status. Thank God for Special Agent Walker’s gut feeling. July 4th weekend is around the bend again this year. Take the time to celebrate the officers who are constantly protecting the borders with a sense of humanity. Happy Independence Day #TheProdigalRenegade
Danny struggled to get his father's approval a decade ago. Arriving back home, he still felt like a foreigner in his own homeland. He left home as a teenager and arrived as a man with battle scars. Like an eagle, he is determined to be a victor, especially now that he has tasted redemption.
In a desperate quest by the White House, President Espinoza’s inner circle covertly aided and abetted armed insurgency to justify its need for AFRICOM, a proposed U.S. Military Base in Nigeria. The Nigerian Chief of Army Staff is not buying into the U.S. propaganda. Daniel Adeyinka becomes a U.S. priority target. In a bid to clear his name, he has no choice but to take on the CIA.
Naturally, we do not get to choose our family, but we do otherwise for friends. In our quest to share our dreams and ambitions, we often neglect some undesirable traits that comes with that friendship. It was the case for Daniel and Calabash. In hindsight, Calabash had no business joining the military. He lacked discipline, which nearly got Daniel killed except by God’s grace. How many of us have ignored such red flags with our friends and paid a heavy price for it? Get your copy and see what happened next!
Today, the United States find itself very much divided. It's either you belong to the blue or red tribe. The irony is not lost on the word "United". Daniel and Evelyn were just in the same situation. Both caught in the rivalry between their villages and separated by a river used by both communities. Despite the odds against them, Daniel could not help coming to the aid of the distressed damsel. They both realized that love had no boundaries, and did not belong to a tribe except its own where all are welcome. According to 1 Corinthians 13, Love will always win.
A lot of folks can recite the Lord's Prayer, however do most of us really understand what it means? Daniel and Calabash had been friends for twenty-five years. They've been through thick and thin, but never imagined the day one of them would be on death row awaiting execution for betraying the trust they had for each other. Forgiveness is easier said than done, hence why Jesus told us to pray not to be led into temptation. Can anything separate us from the love of God? What would you do if you were in Daniel's shoes?
In the 21st century, the institute of marriage remains in a constant state of dilapidation for singles globally, especially in the church. The inability of young men and women to find soulmates among a vast amount of prospective candidates catalyzes the epidemic growth at an alarming rate.
Navigating the Marriage Highway for Singles explores some of the pitfalls and challenges encountered in the dating scene. Victor Fakunle discusses events from his years of counseling within the church and personal experiences, and he provides solutions from a faith-based perspective.
Reading this book will equip you with the knowledge of discerning red flags, avoiding obstacles, and understanding the Word of God as you navigate your journey while searching for a soulmate through the marriage highway.
As a Christian, I wholeheartedly believe the issue of sex is an essential component of marriage that cannot be overlooked. Unfortunately, discussing sex drive is often taboo in the church amongst young couples preparing to take that big leap. Though our society promotes testing out the merchandise before marriage, yet the rate of divorce and perpetual singleness continues to rise at an alarming rate. After finance, sex is the primary reason for divorce in the U.S. That said, unless you become friends with your partner, allowing yourself to be vulnerable by letting them know what gets your engine raving, you have a better chance of laying a solid foundation early in your marriage that would last a lifetime.
Someone told me this week there is no such thing as a soulmate. I admit, having a different view and perspective is what makes life interesting, depending on our past experiences. Her reason was based on today’s singles having false expectations and setting themselves up for failure. However, I assured her it does exist because I’ve been with my soulmate for over two decades and do recognize a jewel when I see it. Unless you’ve been in the dark, there’s no way you can comprehend the value of light.
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