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Tonya  Kinlow

The Universal Laws of Awakening

Religion & Spirituality

The Universal Laws of Awakening teaches the wisdom to how the world operates beyond what the eye can see. It explains spiritual technology that is the operating system for all life and that holds the key to inner peace.

In this book, you will learn eleven Laws that explain the spiritual workings of the Universe. The Law of Vibration will teach you how to solve problems by changing your energy. The Laws of the Pendulum and Ebb & Flow will teach you about various rhythms of the universe, and how to use those rhythms to your advantage. Each Law addresses different aspects of Universal truth.

These Laws will resonate with anyone seeking a life of ever-more wellbeing. This resonance combined with willing application of these laws to your life’s events will create ebullient abundance, inner peace, and awareness of purpose. This is the beneficent reality of the Universe.

The Laws are inclusive of All. There is no dogma, judgement, guilt, or shame with which to guide behavior. Quite the opposite. The Universal Laws of Awakening teach how the spiritual operating technology works with precision and without bias in all of creation.

Herein is the knowledge for how to live brilliantly and harmoniously in the world, and to be the light that also changes it for the better. 

Book Bubbles from The Universal Laws of Awakening

The Dream of My Box Parable

After I published this story in "The Universal Laws of Awakening," I cannot tell you how many people let me know they had the same dream! Being in a box. Venturing out. Getting lost and returning. If you think about it we all live the story of the Prodigal Son. He leaves his family forgetting what is important to pursue shiny, material things. Eventually he is left lower than penniless and returns home to his father. The moral being that you can always come home. You are welcome no matter what you do. You are redeemable and worthy. And this is the story of the Universe and the Laws which govern are laid out here for you. Welcome back to your best life.

The Universal Law of One

We learn the physical laws of nature in school; periodic tables, atoms, gravity and the such. Yet there is a certain point in life when an awakening to another set of guiding principles occurs. These are 'Universal Laws' to live a happy life, and apply to the non-physical such as love, kindness, appreciation and inner peace. The Universal Law of One teaches that everything is contained within the one consciousness, and when the limited human mind awakens to this reality, we co-create the life and conditions desired. This law recognizes that individual happiness is derived from the interconnectedness of life and is therefore not at all "individual." This awakens the reality of the same truth in each person we meet. All is created from the One Source, lives within the One and operates as one in conjunction with all existence. How powerful you are!

Awaken to The Universal Law of Love and Fear

There are only 2 emotions. Love and fear. When you know which one is present, you know from which mindset your life is guided. The good news is at any moment you can choose again. Anger, same and divisiveness are of the Fear mindset. Love chooses brightly and brilliantly the spaces that will bring inner peace. Apply the universal law of Love and Fear in each moment and embrace the opportunity to rise above current human condition and experience true joy and clarity. This is the first of 11 Laws in the Universal Laws of Awakening, and it lays the foundation for the awakening journey. What do you believe? How does it reveal itself in your character and in your life? "The Universal Laws of Awakening" provide the spiritual technology to make wise decisions, recognize pitfalls and reveal the courage and foresight to outmaneuver any challenges. There is a movement of enlightenment afoot. You are a part of it. Unity consciousness, meditation, yoga, crystals and the like are all paths to understanding the power in this world to obtain happiness. And still, the most fundamental aspect to transformation is Awareness. The Law of Love and Fear teaches us that we always have a choice in which mindset to use to create the life we desire.

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