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A Whisper from Eden

Science Fiction & Fantasy

A young writer finds love and adventure with the exotic and beautiful Mandan tribe. As he learns more about them, he finds has a big problem – much of what he finds is too unbelievable to reveal. Clayton Pinckney finds that their “gods” might not be a fantasy and the Europeans were not the first “aliens” to find the Mandan. Who would believe what he has seen? A 19th century saga of the fulfillment of an ancient promise

Book Bubbles from A Whisper from Eden

The beginning of an adventure.

A Whisper from Eden is legends, magic, romance, wild vistas of North Dakota, Saskatchewan, Wyoming and Alaska in the nineteenth century, and the result of extensive research. It will move you to laugh, cry, and wonder -- did that really happen? Be inspired by a story that you will not forget soon.

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