Authorpreneur Dashboard – Thaddeus Nowak

Thaddeus  Nowak

Mother's Curse

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Tradition holds that a mother who commits a mortal sin against the gods will be cursed with a daughter born a witch. Stephenie, the youngest princess of Cothel is just such a curse. Hostage to her mother’s will while her father and older brother fight a war two countries away, Stephenie must overcome her mother’s plots if she is to save her father, brother, and the many soldiers she trained with. Fearful of her mother’s growing traitorous behavior, Stephenie must escape Antar Castle. But to do so, she might have to rely upon her hidden powers, risking others discovering she is a witch…a risk that would most certainly result in her death by burning. With the help of a select group of soldiers and an unexpected ally, she just might survive.

Book Bubbles from Mother's Curse


Stephenie long suspected her mother of treachery, but she did not know the extent of what her mother planned. Discovered spying on her mother, she had to flee capture and certain death. Only, her flight took her deep below the castle into sealed passages no one had traversed in generations.


Science Fiction & Fantasy

Hunted, Kyrie’s parents gave up their lives and fled to an isolated mountain valley in Colorado before she turned one. They raise her in isolation, keeping her from the outside world to conceal her growing powers and to protect her from those who wanted to take her. When both of her parents die before she turns seventeen, Kyrie disobeys their standing order to run and hide and instead tries to save her mother. That decision draws her into a modern world she does not understand, forces her to move to Kansas, and places her under the guardianship of an aunt she never knew existed. Uncertain of her powers and who can control her, she finds herself drawn into a small group of friends through the love of art and playing Dungeons & Dragons. When sword-wielding men try to kill her, these new friends rally around her as she embarks on a campaign of discovery to learn who hunts her, what her parents did to her as an infant, and where her powers come from.

Book Bubbles from Bound


Kyrie's biggest worries normally centered on where her mother's Dungeons & Dragon's campaign would take her. Now her isolated world has crumbled around her and she desperately wants to keep it from changing. Her parents tried to prepare her for change, but as any person newly exposed to independence, she has to forge her own path through trial and experimataion.

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