Authorpreneur Dashboard – Steve Lee

Steve  Lee

At The Narrow End of Time

Science Fiction & Fantasy

At the Narrow End of Time

(c) 2016

Somewhere in the North End of London, a clueless janitor desperately tries his hand at breaking into the netherworld of the modern pulp fiction industry.  Prone to perpetual daydreaming and lost in delusions of grandeur, this would-be author pounds out reams of melodramatic drivel, shaped by the formulaic style of his quintessential washed-up agent from hell.  Yet despite his best efforts, the only organizations interested in his “gift”, turn out to be a number of very… “clandestine” groups, who aren’t exactly focused on publishing manuscripts.  Of these groups however, one is completely unlike any other organization on the planet.

Through a few “cat and mouse” games, this unique group begins to attract some unwanted attention of its own.  Yet even as it is about to be exposed, it simply erases itself from the memory of everyone – save one man…  As things suddenly begin slipping sideways across tangents in time. 

Through it all, this lone odd-man-out finds time …  is not quite what he thought it was.


Book Bubbles from At The Narrow End of Time

Excerpt 1

Peeling back the layers of the onion...

Russian nesting doll

This story has something of a Russian nesting doll, or layered onion feel to it. That aspect largely comes from the fact that it is almost being told from the perspective of two different "main characters". The first is the self-agrandizing janitor-turned-pulp-fiction writer (Melvin), and the second is a more mysterious "Langley" who is reluctantly drawn into these surreal events by the writings of this clueless janitor. It takes a few pages, but the duality of views starts to take shape halfway through the first chapter. Hopefully you'll have as much fun decifering it as I did writing it...

Some Things They Forgot to Mention - Preface

Science & Math

Some Things They Forgot to Mention

(c) 2022

Somehow, somewhere along the line, most of us seem to have fallen victim to the notion that science and technology have all-but figured everything out. What with the advent of the smart phone, the smart watch, smart dog bowl, and now the smart refrigerator, what else is there? Compared to a refrigerator that texts me in the middle of my meetings with the Queen to announce to the world we are almost out of bratwurst, walking on the moon seems almost trite.

In the midst of this panacea of smartness however, “Some Things They Forgot to Mention” offers a cold hard dose of reality, demonstrating for us the fact that not all smart things are as they seem. As it turns out, much of what we think we know about “science” and the world around us is, at the very least, incomplete. Examples underscoring this fact include many of the key details about how the universe operates, not the least of which are some of the most fundamental forces that govern nature and thereby directly affect life itself.

Using a range of select curiosities in math, science, biochemistry, and current events, “Some Things They Forgot to Mention” takes us on a journey of discovery, even as it addresses some of these assumptions head-on. As this discussion works its way across our “spectrum of acquired knowledge”, we eventually land hard at the “darker” end of this spectrum where we find the less logical and baser aspects of human nature festering in the realm of “Political Science”. In this sea of gross dysfunction and corruption we see the seeds of our undoing – an end largely fueled by our own hubris and ignorance. This, even as the animal side of our nature now threatens to undo much of what our ancestors struggled to achieve over the past 1000 years – many paying the ultimate price for those gains with the blood of their own sons and daughters.

Drawing from both ancient history and current events, “Some Things They Forgot to Mention” offers us some serious food for thought about what all of this is telling us. Foremost of these things, is the glint of an understanding that causality implies there are certain consequences for the choices we make. As we begin our downward slope of the whole “Rise and Fall” pattern in history, we are now beginning to see the effects of these consequences, and the hint of the certain immutable long-term repercussions they bring that could easily cripple civilization for the next 1000 years – if not destroy it altogether.


Book Bubbles from Some Things They Forgot to Mention - Preface

Excerpt1, from Preface

“We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us.” – Albert Einstein

Some Things They Forgot to Mention

Science & Math

Some Things They Forgot to Mention

(c) 2022

Somehow, somewhere along the line, most of us seem to have fallen victim to the notion that science and technology have all-but figured everything out. What with the advent of the smart phone, the smart watch, smart dog bowl, and now the smart refrigerator, what else is there? Compared to a refrigerator that texts me in the middle of my meetings with the Queen to announce to the world we are almost out of bratwurst, walking on the moon seems almost trite.

In the midst of this panacea of smartness however, “Some Things They Forgot to Mention” offers a cold hard dose of reality, demonstrating for us the fact that not all smart things are as they seem. As it turns out, much of what we think we know about “science” and the world around us is, at the very least, incomplete. Examples underscoring this fact include many of the key details about how the universe operates, not the least of which are some of the most fundamental forces that govern nature and thereby directly affect life itself.

Using a range of select curiosities in math, science, biochemistry, and current events, “Some Things They Forgot to Mention” takes us on a journey of discovery, even as it addresses some of these assumptions head-on. As this discussion works its way across our “spectrum of acquired knowledge”, we eventually land hard at the “darker” end of this spectrum where we find the less logical and baser aspects of human nature festering in the realm of “Political Science”. In this sea of gross dysfunction and corruption we see the seeds of our undoing – an end largely fueled by our own hubris and ignorance. This, even as the animal side of our nature now threatens to undo much of what our ancestors struggled to achieve over the past 1000 years – many paying the ultimate price for those gains with the blood of their own sons and daughters.

Drawing from both ancient history and current events, “Some Things They Forgot to Mention” offers us some serious food for thought about what all of this is telling us. Foremost of these things, is the glint of an understanding that causality implies there are certain consequences for the choices we make. As we begin our downward slope of the whole “Rise and Fall” pattern in history, we are now beginning to see the effects of these consequences, and the hint of the certain immutable long-term repercussions they bring that could easily cripple civilization for the next 1000 years – if not destroy it altogether.



Book Bubbles from Some Things They Forgot to Mention

Excerpt2, from Chapter One

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” – Albert Einstein

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