Authorpreneur Dashboard – Sophia Rowe

Sophia  Rowe

Sex And Money


They say money can’t buy love or happiness… Which is fine, because he isn’t looking for love. He’s happy to spend his money on fun, exciting companionship with the same type of adventurous, free-spirited people he imagines himself to be. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he has always bounced from hobby to hobby, and as an adult, those hobbies took on a more deviant nature. Tired of people whose wealth matches his, he goes for a new kind of partner and searches for fresh, electrifying ways to spend his money. After all, money doesn’t buy happiness, but it can buy pretty much everything someone needs to be happy.

Book Bubbles from Sex And Money

The Story At Dinner

They hadn't seen or spoken to each other for a very long time, With them having dinner was very exciting. This is a story about a young man who had exhausted his appetite for someone with the kind of money he has. From a very young age, he picked up new hobbies, being someone born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and outgrows them from time to time. Now, as a grown man, he discovers new ways to spend his money and derives maximum fun from them even with familiar faces. In Sex and Money, we are thrilled with sexual gymnastics involving money and sex in such a refreshing way.

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