Authorpreneur Dashboard – Sheala Dawn Henke

Sheala Dawn Henke

Story Bends

Literature & Fiction

Enter the mind of a disturbed boy who gains passport to one of the ‘thin places’ between life and death. In this realm of tilted memories, guided by the pages of his journal and the voices that summon him, he reclaims his broken bits to discover the truth behind an early death marking. Only then can he realize the nature of his nightmares and the malign source behind his suffering so that he alone can save the living world from a cataclysmic end or die again trying.

Book Bubbles from Story Bends

Edward's Death- 2nd Person POV

Why this point of view? Truth: Edward simply couldn't tell it any other way. Paramount to the story is a unique intra-story narrative in Edward's authentic voice. It is what clinical psychologists refer to as the 'Survivor Voice'. You are Edward Story. Enter trauma's tale and one boy's journey out of the dark and into the light in the fantastical ream of The Bends. As you venture to one of the thin places between life and death join Edward on his mission to reclaim the broken bits and pieces of a world he's lost faith in and walk with him to where the muddled memories wait.

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