Authorpreneur Dashboard – Seffie Wells

Seffie  Wells

Your baby's first year Month by month developmental stages text

Parenting & Relationships

The first 12 months of your baby's life are critical to her development and later personality. The changes that youtr baby goes through in her first year are unparalleled in terms of achievemnet. A baby's first 9 months are often called 'the fourth trimester' or 'the second nine months' becuase babies under 9 months old are so vulnerable and relaint on their mothers for survival. In this book, written using principles from Child Psychology, Child Development and Anthropology, we take a detailed look at your baby's development, month-by-month. We cover the crtical aspects of the early developmental sdtages, the chnages your baby goes through and her capabilities at each stage. Help support your baby's development in her first year by understanding infant development month-by-month.

Book Bubbles from Your baby's first year Month by month developmental stages text

Your baby's development

Read our full book to discover insights into your baby's developing mind

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