Authorpreneur Dashboard – Robert W Starnes

Robert W Starnes

On the Shoulders of Giants

Christian Books & Bibles

Do you wonder how you can achieve positive effects in God’s Kingdom on earth by practicing righteousness and offering spiritual fruit? If so, you will be encouraged learning of incredible spiritual feats by men and women who walk in Jesus’ obedience. Worldwide real-life examples during a civil war, violent coup d’état, and spiritual battles will inspire transformation in your life to become more Christ-like through, • Love • Joy • Peace • Patience • Kindness • Goodness • Perseverance • Charity • Wisdom • Humility • Courage • Hope Jesus promised that his followers could do great works on earth. No matter what your circumstance in life, you can make eternal differences in your home, community, and nation. Rise to the heavenly life you were called.

Book Bubbles from On the Shoulders of Giants

Ch. 2 - Snowflake On An Eagle

For over thirty-five years, U.S. diplomats confronted the ruthless Paraguayan dictator Alfredo Stroessner, over human rights violations. Marian Davis, wife of U.S. Amb. Arthur Davis, Jr., dedicated her time helping Paraguayan infants survive illnesses. While traveling on holiday, the airplane Marian Davis was on crashed on a mountain top in Bolivia. Due to her love of Paraguayans, Marian succeeded where ivy league educated diplomats failed. Her loss and memories of her faithful sacrifices to the Paraguayan people caused dictator Stroessner to cry.

The Cajun Who Saved a Village

While assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Guatemala City, Guatemala, a civil war was underway. Christian ministries were ripe with opportunities. It is here where I met Mike and Dottie Clark. A truly amazing couple completely dedicated to sharing Christ's gospel, no matter of the dangers or personal cost.

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