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Renee  Ebert

Dead Eyes in Late Summer

Book Bubbles from Dead Eyes in Late Summer

Howard Hughes

Garnett in Paris was a man distracted, telling himself he was the best husband and father. But the truth was Garnett was more taken with the sights and sounds, the jazz and Montmartre and the short skirted flappers who were secretaries by day. Enter Howard Hughes, very tall and dark and swarthy and utterly smitten with Adelyn. They spoke that secret and special language of southern style flirtation and Adelyn fell into his very willing arms. It all began in the Park where Howard seduced Adelyn with subtle suggestions that continued into the night.

Dancing among ghosts

It's Christmas Holiday and a New Year's Eve party at Delia Howard's (Adelyn's close friend). The magic of the night encompasses Adelyn, her encounter with Garnett and then ultimately with Innis as both young men are enchanted inside the circle of Adelyn's life force. Lines are drawn at this party, with Garnett just one step away from declaring his love. Somehow Adelyn notices him and reads his affection for her. But the magic continues with the older, wiser Innis Crawford as he wins this first battle. Adelyn has eyes for Innis alone, His wisdom is that he instantly knows that he may covet, but it is Adelyn who possesses. Both men will never be the same. Amid all is the changing scenery as Adelyn waltzes with Innis and sees electric chandeliers turn into candles and some dancers appearing not real, not alive. Adelyn cries out in a whisper saying to Innis, "make them go away." And, he does.

The Romance Begins

The time might be Thanksgiving but the scene is undeniably the beginning of true love between a young man, Garnett Crawford and the young girl, Adelyn Jackson. It is Thanksgiving 1922 and Adelyn had invited Garnett to visit with her family. It was part of her strategy to make their co-ed group auto trip back to Savannah easier for Adelyn's mother to accept. But for both Adelyn and Garnett there is a feeling that underscores their presence when together. The love they share for friends and family and Innis begins to glue them together.

Trouble in Paradise

There is more Trouble in Paradise, which the title of this Chapter suggests. Garnett has become a shadow figure in the lives of Adelyn and their baby, Trey. And, no wonder when Garnett's bosses and mentors are parading Garnett around to all their corporate fellowship. Curiously, Adelyn doesn't fault her husband as we would almost want her to. Instead she throws herself into his circle of light, loud and raucous nights in Montmartre with much dancing and drinking fine wines. But the puzzling side is her attraction to the young and very handsome Howard Hughes who is instantly bewitched by Adelyn and her unique energy. This chapter tells us how it all began.

Adelyn and Garnett

While Adelyn waits for Garnett's train to arrive, she thinks about their recent past, hinting at the emotions that push and pull them toward and the away from one another. But now it's as though Adelyn has awaken from a dream because Innis had appeared, had made love to her, and though he fades in and out off her world, he can and does visit. Garnett senses the difference, is on the verge of saying "it's like you've been with someone." And though he discounts Innis as the source of his trouble, something insinuates itself into his thoughts.

Adelyn and the Vision

Adelyn's mother warns her to watch out for hoboes and others by the roadside. She is referring to the Depression that is now all around them. People without homes, living in shacks and tents have changed the landscape surrounding small towns. But the magic continues when Adelyn steps into the Ladies Room and meets a young girl in a white dress. Adelyn knows immediately that the girl is a spirit because the girl, Lucienne tells her so. "You were once me." she taunts Adelyn and Adelyn knows there's truth to what she says. Adelyn entered Innis's world from the moment he laid with her on the Hammock only a few days before, and she will remain inside Innis's world until the reckoning that Momma Sorrow will help build.

Dead Eyes

☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆5 out of 5 stars. Steamy Tale Of Love, Magic, Suspense, And Tragedy Adelyn Jackson’s life follows a traditional path, with a loving husband and two children, in the small Southern town of Tulip Junction.. The story takes the reader on an unexpected tour of Paris, during a fascinating time in history when glamorous flappers and famous celebrities swoop in with aplomb. Dropped into the first moment when Adelyn's first touch with another world outside of Tulip Junction and any other real place. With her friend Delia and the sorcerer, Momma Sorrow, Adelyn goes deeper insider herself to answer some of the questions about her magical connection with Innis.

Prologue - Beginnings

We start in 1931 from the moment Innis Crawford visited Adelyn on that hammock in Tulip Junction. The Aftermath of that moment spins on as Adelyn tries to make sense of her feelings for Innis and her fear of losing Garnett, her husband. But Adelyn is in a magical moment where her thoughts fly to places in the past, and she feels a strong pull to let Innis back into her life, even though he died many years earlier.

Until the Darkness Goes

Literature & Fiction

Molly Morris is a 42-year-old, headstrong Jewish New Yorker who has had it with her family's conventional middle-class values. She flees to Long Beach, California to begin a vibrant new life far from her critical mother. There, she finds love with Javier, an attractive Mexican auto mechanic who invites her into his life, his culture and his close-knit family. Life is good...very good...until tragedy strikes and Molly's grief and self-recrimination plunge her into depression and drug addiction. Bold, frank and void of sentimentality, Until the Darkness Goes explores Molly's vulnerabilities, her search for meaning in the face of tragedy, and ultimately her return to a sense of purpose in the most unexpected way.

Book Bubbles from Until the Darkness Goes

Molly and Javier and Nugent

Molly's spiraling down was inevitable. Her increasing drug intake with Marijuana mellowing out at the end of a stressful day becomes merged with something like Crystal Meth to perk her up. The only person who registers surprise is Molly. Luckily, she thinks, Javier was there to take her to the Emergency Room for the cut in her hand. Or was it luck? Javier's steadfast loyalty to her bruised spirit brought on by Molly's enormous loss of her baby, Stella. Javier, ever watchful with some surveillance brought Javier to Molly when she most needed him. Always difficult, Molly is forced to see Javier's strength and integrity and how Nugent worships him.

Book Review Directory

Until the Darkness Goes offers readers a fascinating story of a young woman’s choices as set against her troubles, the expectations of her friends and co-workers, and her mother’s own decisions in the past. While chronicling Molly Morris’s journey through grief, loss, drugs, and addiction to the other side, the book shows more interest in her emotional viewpoint as she recovers and engages in life than in the actual feelings of her addiction and sorrow. Thus, the book reads easily, moving the plot along rather than trying to create a narrative mood Those who like realism and concrete details will appreciate this story, from the snippets of Spanish that are sprinkled throughout to the characters’ outlook on life, given what they’ve seen and experienced. The narration is fair and yet clearly comes from Molly’s point of view, offering a balanced perspective for navigating the entire neighborhood without switching to someone else and allowing readers to deeply know the main character without feeling intrusive. Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Radio Interview

Online Radio Blogs offer us a chance to hear authors talk about their novels. Click on the website: and follow the link to Online with Andrea Garrison. You'll learn how a real life experience shaped Molly and her world. As we all know, there's always a piece of personal experience woven into any story. Andrea Garrison is superb in her command of the interview process: Her questions lead the writer through the development of the character and in this case, the origin of Molly as a woman who become addicted. Be sure to check in to the website and to listen to the interview with Renee on Andreaonline radio. The excerpt here is Molly in Group Therapy for her addictions and reflects some of her personality.

Loss of a child

It's not unusual to try to picture your child grow: what will she look like when she's a teen? Or, how tall will she be as an adult? For Molly, the torment comes in her dreams as she sees her baby, Stella, as a toddler, running through the grass or on the beach trying to catch the waves. Stella will never know those experiences, and Molly will never see them, except in her dreams. These things Molly knows in short bursts of realizations, from that first moment when she woke to find her infant, Stella, no longer breathing.

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